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jbezorg76 t1_iufnhxe wrote


I was just saved by this wonderful organization.

This is kind of long, and I'm sorry, but I'm emotional since this just happened.

A little backstory: I've been out of work for months due to COVID taking a toll on me. My 12 year old son was also horribly affected after taking the vaccine.* It killed his pancreas, and his thyroid. Because of the pancreatic damage, it no longer produces insulin. 9 hours after taking the vaccine, my son was diagnosed with pediatric sudden-onset type-1 diabetes and Hashimoto's disease because of the Thyroid damage. He's now a lifelong diabetic, and has to take insulin and thyroid hormone for life.

I also take care of my 23 year old son who has cerebral palsy. He's quite active though, and mentally, he's as sharp as a tack, his physical ailments limit the kind of work he can do, but he did just get his first job at a grocery store, and I couldn't be more proud of him.

I just started working again on the 10th, and received my first paycheck this past Wednesday, the 26th. As one might imagine it didn't go far, and just enough was left over to get to the next paycheck 2 weeks from now.

To top it off, yesterday I was driving down Park Ave near WPI. There's construction happening there, and there's a bunch of exposed manholes. If you happen to get in the wrong lane, you'll have to dodge and weave to get through a minefield of manholes. Because I had a car right next to me in the next lane over, I couldn't dodge and one of the manholes tore the tire right off of one of my wheels. It destroyed the rim as well, and I'm driving on a spare.

The point of the last few paragraphs was to some of the difficulties we faced over the past year. It was exceedingly difficult at times, but we made it by sticking together and toughing it out!

SO... On Thursday, my 1 year-old cat began to show signs of illness. We were concerned and called a vet immediately, but that was first call of many just trying to find a vet that had time to see my ailing cat. In the end, I took him to VEG in Shrewsbury - where the most amazing animal hospital I've ever seen exists!

They gave me an estimate just to find out what was wrong with him, and I applied for and was denied care credit. My out of work status has seen my credit suffer alongside everything else. As sad as it was, they couldn't care for my cat, and we were sent home. I called the shelter we received our cat from, and told them the situation. Evidently, she knew a person who started an organization called Stray Pets In Need - SPIN! The lady who runs SPIN called me and offered to pay for my cat's entire hospital bill.

This bill totaled $5,480. There's NO WAY I could've paid for that. Not now, not even in a few months. We were going to lose our cat - very loved member of our family, and there was nothing I could do about it. The people at SPIN are angels, and I've dedicated a $1,000 gift to them myself as soon as I'm able to do so. It will be sooner, rather than later because I'd like them to be able to continue to do for others, as they did for me.

I'd urge anyone to check out Stray Pets In Need, and let them know how special and appreciated they really are by giving them the help they need, so that they can continue to help others in times of crisis!

Thanks for reading, reddit!


*Note: Despite my son's injury, I am not an antivaxxer. Not at all.