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saintsandopossums t1_iusn71m wrote

Yeah, I feel for that dog who is very young, and really badly trained. My dog is terrified of him. They keep him tied out on a way too short chain and he barks and snarls at anything that walks by. He was loose the other day, so I picked up my dog and carried her, and he followed us sniffing at my back while his owner just kinda stood there and halfheartedly tried to wave him back. He’d probably be a nice dog if he was better trained. A real shame


squid1980 OP t1_iusnnjk wrote

I am so happy he only followed you and not more. My dog has been approached now 4 times by an off leash dog, we’ve only been in the neighborhood 1 month. He is never dog aggressive but he did stick up for himself today I had to pin him down so the situation didn’t escalate. I could NOT BELIEVE how little the “owners” cared once they slowly walked over. They didn’t even say a word. Then managed to drop his leash again. Like what? I hope they don’t beat him after these instances. They seem like the type


operator_1337 t1_iutua16 wrote

Since you live in the area, if might be worth calling the Worcester PDs non emergent phone number and asking if they can have Animal control do something. Typically unless there is other complaints they advise the owner to properly fence or leash the dog when it's outside.