Submitted by squid1980 t3_ykd7zh in WorcesterMA

Update: animal control said they talked to the owner and he will make changes. PLEASE reach out to them with any experience you have moving forward

My dog and I were just attacked by an extremely aggressive German shepherd while we were on a walk. Thank god I was able to shield him and yell loud enough that the dog didn’t bite us. He was foaming at the mouth, growling and lunging. The owners finally came out and didn’t even say a word. They got his chain but then dropped it again. The German Shepard ran up to another guy walking his dog. I ran into someone’s gate to get to safety as the dog was yet again loose. She told me this dog has been causing mayhem, is loose a lot chases people, said the whole street is afraid of him. If anyone lives in the area and has had an experience please DM me. I have an active report with animal control out.



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Swak_Error t1_iut2fpv wrote

Not that I'm advocating violence towards animals, but what too many people don't get is if you're bitten by a dog, you're allowed to immediately escalate to lethal force against the dog.

that in itself should be a reason for people to secure their dogs


squid1980 OP t1_iut5xfd wrote

Yeah and the crazy thing is he gets loose all the time. He had the skinniest cheapest tie out attached to him. These people are on unit capable of owning him


Ovaltene17 t1_iuso5sb wrote

Irresponsible dog owners are the worst. Just keep calling the police and asking the neighbors to keep calling. You have to make it their problem or nothing will get done.


squid1980 OP t1_iusoq71 wrote

Thank you that is the plan. Animal control said they haven’t gotten a complaint yet which I’m shocked about. The neighbors probably don’t want to piss them off. They don’t seem like reasonable people. The neighbor I talked to said they only recently moved there too


saintsandopossums t1_iusn71m wrote

Yeah, I feel for that dog who is very young, and really badly trained. My dog is terrified of him. They keep him tied out on a way too short chain and he barks and snarls at anything that walks by. He was loose the other day, so I picked up my dog and carried her, and he followed us sniffing at my back while his owner just kinda stood there and halfheartedly tried to wave him back. He’d probably be a nice dog if he was better trained. A real shame


squid1980 OP t1_iusnnjk wrote

I am so happy he only followed you and not more. My dog has been approached now 4 times by an off leash dog, we’ve only been in the neighborhood 1 month. He is never dog aggressive but he did stick up for himself today I had to pin him down so the situation didn’t escalate. I could NOT BELIEVE how little the “owners” cared once they slowly walked over. They didn’t even say a word. Then managed to drop his leash again. Like what? I hope they don’t beat him after these instances. They seem like the type


operator_1337 t1_iutua16 wrote

Since you live in the area, if might be worth calling the Worcester PDs non emergent phone number and asking if they can have Animal control do something. Typically unless there is other complaints they advise the owner to properly fence or leash the dog when it's outside.


librarycat27 t1_iuudxw5 wrote

Don’t be an idiot like me. My daughter was bitten by an aggressive dog in a neighboring town and I thought AC would take care of it. Turns out that around here nothing can be done to the dog unless you get a hearing with the board of health and it is declared a nuisance or dangerous. Work with your neighbors now and take action before the dog hurts someone.


squid1980 OP t1_iuuebjk wrote

Oh wow. Nothing got done even though she was bitten?! I don’t want anything to happen to the dog besides it being taken out of their custody and into a home that can handle him


librarycat27 t1_iuuf2sl wrote

No, nothing. All I asked for was that the dog be muzzled when outdoors and AC told me they couldn’t require that without an order from the BoH. If you go to the BoH, they can compel the owners to fence or leash the dog.


squid1980 OP t1_iuufm2h wrote

I think it was leashed but it looked like 2 skinny leashes tied together. Obviously not strong enough. An idiot would know that


dan-uh t1_iuvvh2g wrote

We’ve witnessed this dog grow from puppy to adult and I have always felt so bad for the fact that they’ve completely failed in raising him. Him running around the street and his owners not seeming too concerned about that.. it’s a disaster waiting to happen. I haven’t seen it much lately but when he was younger they would hit him when he’d misbehave. It really upsets me and pisses me off. There’s another dog on the street that isn’t even a year old, but seems to be a German shepherd mix and is kept in the backyard (not let inside) and has recently started to bark at other dogs walking by. So sad, she seems like such a sweet dog but seems to be headed down the same path as this dog. They’ve never taken her on a walk. Some people just don’t deserve to be dog owners.


squid1980 OP t1_iuvvtsq wrote

So sad! They def seem like the type of people who hit him. Which is probably contributing to his aggression. They probably got him cus they thought it’s cool to own a German Shepard for protection but know 0 about dog training or care. I am going to go to town hall with all of the stories I have heard and hope they take the poor dog away. We were THIS close to being mauled.


saintsandopossums t1_iuw5l1e wrote

Oh, I feel so bad for the dog across the street! She's gotten WAY more reactive since she has to listen to the other German shepherd bark all day. It's tough because I have a little terrier mix puppy who was recently attacked on Tower by a chocolate lab, (be careful on Tower FYI) and we live on Proctor too, so we go past the shepherds every day on walks. It's gotten to the point where my dog will cower and sniff the air every time we get to the corner, and I have to watch like a hawk to make sure that the dog isn't loose


LowkeyPony t1_iux5avc wrote

We've one of those on our street as well. Got a very large breed of dog as a pup. And do nothing with him. He's out in the front yard alone all day. Barks at people walking by. If he wanted he could easily launch himself over the fence they have. No collar. No tags on him. Wife was happy when the last dog they had died, so why the husband went and got a LARGE puppy of all things is beyond the rest of their neighbors and I. And they left their last dog outside 24/7 in all types of weather too. Animal Control here has "better things to deal with" so no one bothers calling.

I was speaking with the guy a few weeks ago and he says the dogs getting more and more aggressive to him and the family etc. So he's going to "shore up the fence in the back yard" and put the poor thing out back. Where he'll have NO people to see at all. Granted at least then the rest of us wont be able to smell the piles of dog shit they never clean up. Even my bitch of a sister took their dog to obedience classes and all that. People that get a dog and then do nothing with it are a holes.


Theundercave t1_iuvu9q9 wrote

I actually got bit by that dog last year on Boyd Street, didn't break the skin or anything and didn't do anything because the owner said they were just a puppy


squid1980 OP t1_iuvuj9b wrote

Wow these people really have no control of him. Why is a puppy able to be in contact with a stranger smh. I’m hearing so many recent stories yet animal control says I’m the first to report anything. I wish more people had maybe they’d take it seriously!


MadManDH t1_iuu4m9b wrote

Maybe we could all find a way to help the owner?


squid1980 OP t1_iuuace5 wrote

It’s as nice idea as I believe the dog is only 1 year old and they clearly don’t know how to handle him but they didn’t even say sorry so not sure how receptive they’d be. Do you live close?


MadManDH t1_iuweork wrote

I'm not in the neighborhood, across the lake. And if they don't look approachable then by no means. I wonder if they too got anxious about the dog.