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BeeFrizz t1_iuyvnu0 wrote

In regards to the Renaissance comments here, we need real trash collection with barrels not bags, free large item pick up, walkable and bikeable streets and free, quality public transportation and the willingness to pay a touch more in property taxes to get these things. As long as we continue to vote for the least property taxes and the most entrenched representatives we'll always just be a really big suburb with suburban values and suburban style landscapes. If we want to be a city, we need to be willing to be a city.


NativeMasshole t1_iuyzou8 wrote

You're talking to a city with a near 20% poverty rate. People are already getting priced out by the increasing housing costs, nobody is going to want to vote for increasing their taxes. Even if it does make life easier.


Karen1968a t1_iuz0pfq wrote

Yet question 5 will pass


sevencityseven t1_iv0zbrn wrote

Raising taxes is a horrible idea with the cost of rent and inflation.


SmartSherbet t1_iv2fnc8 wrote

Among the things question 5 does is create a pool of money to be used on affordable housing. Vote YES on Question 5 if you're concerned about the cost of rent.


sevencityseven t1_iv2l39a wrote

The money that would be used for affordable housing will affect such a small population if it even gets used for that. While the rest of get stuck with another reason for higher rent. No more taxes. Balance the budget.


SmartSherbet t1_iv2unb2 wrote

The tax increase is tiny. Less than $5/month unless you are wealthy enough to own a huge home. The benefits are more than worth the cost.


sevencityseven t1_iv3s1k7 wrote

If it’s such little money.. I’m sure they can figure it out with the existing budget. Just like the rest of us adults do every week. The poor and middle class pay enough taxes.


SmartSherbet t1_iv585qx wrote

Adopting this policy means we gain access to a statewide pool of monies that we can’t get otherwise, but are already paying into through surcharges on real estate transactions. In other words, by passing this, we get access to way more money than it costs us in taxes.


sevencityseven t1_iv5a92m wrote

Money they you’ll never see any direct benefits too. Parks and roads are good enough and if not balance the budget. Sorry I can’t afford even another $50 a year.


SmartSherbet t1_iv5joen wrote

I agree that transferring money from the bloated police budget to things that actually serve the community is a great idea too.


Karen1968a t1_iv6h7bm wrote

What is the cost to the average commercial property owner?


sevencityseven t1_ivotuk0 wrote

600-700 - taxachusetts… let’s not hold government responsible let’s keep taxing the lower and middle class and writing blank checks


colb_E t1_iuypanh wrote

This place had potential but the burgers were just OK, the drink menu didn’t actually list the type/flavor profile of their whiskey, and the bartenders didn’t seem to know anything about the whiskey they were serving either.


elfrancomin t1_iuz0ohq wrote

Good. A waitress there stole my wallet off the table on New Year’s Eve. When I went to get it back the owner laughed at me and told me there’s nothing he can do. Got what’s coming to him. Food sucked too.


tugaim33 t1_iuxhts1 wrote

I feel like the whole Worcester Renaissance thing is dead. Places closing up shop or moving out left and right.


NativeSon508 t1_iuxqlop wrote

Or maybe there’s too many friggin “burger” themed restaurants. That and the video game bars. In reality, there’s only so much demand. How many times a month do you want a $15 burger? Everybody is trying to be something that everybody else is already doing or done. Some originality goes a long way


moisheah t1_iv1cqt5 wrote

Based on the other current thread sounds like Worcester could use a Dim Sum place 🤷‍♀️


Karen1968a t1_iv6hw0o wrote

It will be interesting to see if you are correct. The place going into the Hangover, positions itself as a martini bar with gastro pub food. To me that doesn’t sound like a winner, but I guess it might meet your criteria of originality


JohnnyGoldwink t1_ivblynd wrote

Yup. Burger joint is the last place I’m going for food. The whole concept of going out to eat (for me) is centered around getting something that is a serious pain in the ass to make at home, or trying something i’ve never had.


outb0undflight t1_iuyfq6j wrote

The beauty of the Worcester Renaissance is it never really starts. It just revs its engine but never takes its foot off the clutch. They've been saying, "The Worcester Renaissance is just about to really kick off!" since at least 2005. But it never does, really.


tugaim33 t1_iuyjesi wrote

Yeah, I hear that. I feel like it’s always one or two steps away from Worcester cutting loose.


very_random_user t1_iuy4u4p wrote

During boom times it's normal to open too many stores, the not so good ones always end up dying.


guybehindawall t1_iuys4gt wrote

Well I for one thought this place was pretty good and will miss the onion strings.

Doesn't seem like a great sign for the Canal District that this place and the Hangover have closed back-to-back like this.


doublesecretprobatio t1_iv0hxz7 wrote

>Doesn't seem like a great sign for the Canal District that this place and the Hangover have closed back-to-back like this.

well, the Hangover sucked and that's not just my opinion but also the overwhelming sentiment on this sub. i've never even heard anyone talk about Buck's. sounds like the canal isn't going to miss them.


guybehindawall t1_iv5vvq5 wrote

Yeah I noted at the time how weird it was that the Hangover was regularly recommended on here and Worcester Eats, and then everyone said it sucked when they closed. People saying they never heard of Buck's when it seemed popular up until now is similarly weird.


JohnnyGoldwink t1_ivbl0qn wrote

Yup. Hangover sucks as does broth IMO. Haven’t been to this place but poorly run restaurants deserve to be replaced.


Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_ivonezb wrote

They were both bad restaurants


guybehindawall t1_ivr8yxi wrote

This wasn't the consensus before they closed but certainly is now after the fact.

Smokestack just announced they're closing, too. Gotta assume the commenters are about to piss on their grave too instead of interrogating why that one street is seeing so much turnover suddenly.


the_sky_god15 t1_iuyhbw0 wrote

That’s too bad they were on my list. Although they had been for a couple of months so I’m sure that’s part of the problem.