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jbezorg76 t1_ivd2q39 wrote

I don't know this person, because I don't go down south Main very often. I'm usually in around the Elm Park area, and from there somewhere on Park Ave down to May St. In that area, especially where Chandler St and Park Ave meet, there's a lot of folks there that have been down on their luck for some time. I came here almost exactly 2 years ago, and it's stunning to me that the same people that were flying signs when I arrived here are still doing so today.

There was one who is missing, my kids began to call him "One Dollah," because he would walk out into traffic and ask "Do you have one dollah, do you have a cigarette," and he wasn't shy about it. If my window was up, he'd knock on it. It kind of upset me a little when I was in the Walgreens drive-thru and he came up from behind me in the line of cars waiting to get to served and knocked on my window. I almost jumped into the passenger seat.

I saw him sitting outside of the DD near Mason St, on Chandler St. It was like 8am and he was sitting on the curb, smoking a cig. Since I'd seen him for so long, I wanted to ask him why he was out doing this for so long. He replied "Well, I smoke crack, so..." and shrugged. He stated it so matter-of-fact that I just replied "Oh, ok well that makes sense," and went about my day.

As I said, he's not been seen in quite a while, I've asked some of the other people about him but they seem to not know who I'm talking about. If anyone happens to know what happened to him, I'd love to know. My hope is that he got some help, that he's with his family, and that he's doing better.