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xenolingual t1_iv9zhe3 wrote

This is some post.


Zinski t1_ivacsoo wrote

It almost feels AI generated


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_ivb01nt wrote

Yeah, it's a little different but when I was a kid in Main South it was a smaller place. There was a community then, you didn't know everyone but some stood out and their absence would be noticed. Caring about total strangers is a very human thing and I think we've lost a lot of that. There must have been something about this kid that people noticed.


MindlessTrendSetter t1_ivbedpn wrote

Yeah I totally understand what you mean by main south being a community back then. Ever since Worcester started getting bigger and busier I feel like people stopped caring about others the way they did. A lot of people thought this kid was a junkie or in a gang but from what I know he was just going through some shit. Probably had mental issues or something similar, you would always see him around main south during the day and walking around by night and some people would just assume he was homeless or a crackhead. I managed to talk to the kid once when I saw him working at the Target on Lincoln Street, I didn't get his name but he seemed like good people. That was a while back though and I haven't seen him anywhere since. I just hope he's doing okay.


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_ivbmyof wrote

I'm a lot older than most people on Woo Reddit and haven't lived in Worcester for a long time but am sentimentally connected. I'm probably the polar opposite on most issues discussed but still enjoy the Worcester news. My memories go back quite a bit and Worcester has always had these people who stand out for one reason or another. Many of them became urban legends of sorts and you could write a book about the stories that made them legends. Each story had a life of it's own and was embellished a little with each telling. So however humble, these folks all had their fifteen minutes of fame and you're not fully dead when someone still remembers you.


madhatmatt2 t1_ivbfkdu wrote

I don’t know if they’ll allow it but if you are really dead set on finding him I would look at that as a lead and go to the target and try and ask employees or something idk you probably won’t get any information but it’s a lead.


Sithlordbelichick t1_ivb36lu wrote

I’m pretty sure like at least 15 ppl by main south fit this description


MindlessTrendSetter t1_ivbij3z wrote

I know lol, I wish I could be more specific but I can't. He just has one of those faces that you don't forget. He was also loud, like you would always hear him talking with others in the neighborhood loudly in Spanish and laughing like he was having the time of his life. He had a lot of energy


phoenixofsevenhills t1_iva5sfe wrote

If you're talking about mikey, he passed away... Always had way too big sweats and smoked k2


MindlessTrendSetter t1_ivbgbus wrote

I don't think so. From what I know this kid didn't do any drugs besides actual weed. But still I'm sorry that the guy you mentioned passed....


jbezorg76 t1_ivd1iia wrote

Are you talking about Mikey, he was rather heavyset, had lots of piercings and worked at a gas station? I just found out like a month ago that he passed. Overdosed, in fact. Really sad, he was trying to get his life together, got the job at the gas station and was doing well there. In fact, I saw him interacting with his manager a few times, and it really seemed like the manager was depending on him quite a bit, which was a good thing job-wise I thought at the time.

When I asked about him... this was about maybe 6-7 weeks ago, I was told he had passed away. So very effing sad. :(


jbezorg76 t1_ivd2q39 wrote

I don't know this person, because I don't go down south Main very often. I'm usually in around the Elm Park area, and from there somewhere on Park Ave down to May St. In that area, especially where Chandler St and Park Ave meet, there's a lot of folks there that have been down on their luck for some time. I came here almost exactly 2 years ago, and it's stunning to me that the same people that were flying signs when I arrived here are still doing so today.

There was one who is missing, my kids began to call him "One Dollah," because he would walk out into traffic and ask "Do you have one dollah, do you have a cigarette," and he wasn't shy about it. If my window was up, he'd knock on it. It kind of upset me a little when I was in the Walgreens drive-thru and he came up from behind me in the line of cars waiting to get to served and knocked on my window. I almost jumped into the passenger seat.

I saw him sitting outside of the DD near Mason St, on Chandler St. It was like 8am and he was sitting on the curb, smoking a cig. Since I'd seen him for so long, I wanted to ask him why he was out doing this for so long. He replied "Well, I smoke crack, so..." and shrugged. He stated it so matter-of-fact that I just replied "Oh, ok well that makes sense," and went about my day.

As I said, he's not been seen in quite a while, I've asked some of the other people about him but they seem to not know who I'm talking about. If anyone happens to know what happened to him, I'd love to know. My hope is that he got some help, that he's with his family, and that he's doing better.


wcrich t1_ivb4loo wrote

Spanish? From Spain? How do you know?


MindlessTrendSetter t1_ivbfgv7 wrote

Not Spanish lol sorry I meant Hispanic. The kid obviously looks like he's white but you would always see him around the Puerto Ricans and he would speak Spanish so I guessed that he was Hispanic/Puerto Rican.


wcrich t1_ivbhmn0 wrote

I was just messing with you. I do this to my parents all the time. I try to tell them not everyone who speaks Spanish is Spanish. I have lots of Hispanic/Latino friends and they think it's funny/sad that people call them Spanish.