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keepsitreal6969 t1_ivd6uke wrote

God no please. Streets are made for cars! If you want to exercise go to the gym.


1kidney_left t1_ivdam7o wrote

Up until Covid, Worcester had half Marathons, I ran it a few times. I hope it comes back next year.


KNS508 t1_ivdbubz wrote

There was a Worcester Running Festival that had a half marathon. Not sure why they stopped doing it.


4183937645294 t1_ivde8hi wrote

We should start a Worcester Reddit Run Marathon


East_Cartographer_57 t1_iveng5o wrote

We should have a marathon at this point. We have the infrastructure for it. I've seen way crappier cities put on marathons.


baddspellar t1_ivepv2x wrote

Putting on an urban marathon is expensive due to street closures, plus police and ambulance costs. The surrounding towns could easily support longer races, though. I've run Stu's run, a 30K that goes around the Wachusett Reservoir. It goes through West Boylston. The nearest half marathon I can think of is in Upton. Marathons are further away


J_Worldpeace t1_iveqxhz wrote

Maybe cause Hopkinton is like 10 miles from woo…


SmartSherbet t1_ivf2w8q wrote

I agree, we should take half the space currently allocated to car traffic and turn it into sidewalks.

Until then, however, we should live up to the "sidewalks are for pedestrians" idea. DPW should tow cars that are parked on the sidewalks, every block of road/street in the city should have sidewalks on both sides that are wide enough for two wheelchairs going in opposite directions to pass without leaving the sidewalk, and there should be strict limits on the number of curb cuts in commercial areas to ensure that people using the sidewalk are safe.


[deleted] t1_ivf4u6f wrote

Honestly this city is just not built for marathons. Even Boston with all it's craziness makes it work. Worcester just can't do it, the infrastructure is too fucked and the psycho drivers would kill us all before seeing their commute momentarily inconvenienced.


Dwm182 t1_ivfbi6f wrote

Because Worcester. Fucking. Sucks. Period.


ganduvo t1_ivg4krm wrote

Tell me more about Stu's. How bad is it with active traffic? I've always avoided running on country roads like that with no sidewalks but that loop sounds awesome.


baddspellar t1_ivg63ra wrote

It's a great race. It's on a Sunday, so traffic is light to begin with and most of the roads aren't busy at all. It's a little congested as you approach the finish in Clinton, but there's good traffic control and it didn't bother me


wes_T_ward t1_ivgca7p wrote

I think sneakerama has a group that runs 5k's like once a week maybe you can start there and start a community to organize for a larger race.


baddspellar t1_ivgnkx5 wrote

The Boston Marathon isn't really available to most runners, given the requirement to qualify or raise enough money. There are marathons in Lowell. Providence, Holyoke, Lincoln RI, Nashua, among others.


FoxFogwell t1_ivh5sa2 wrote

Don’t f up the traffic God


KNS508 t1_iwmriky wrote

It takes so much time and money to put on a race like a half. I think if the profit margins were there we would see it come back. 5Ks are so much easier because it’s a lower barrier to entry (bigger pool of runners to pull from) and cheaper (less $$ spent on road closures and police details).