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thedecentshepherd OP t1_ivm26zj wrote

Thanks for helping out! It's a lot of work to run an election, even if it's "just" the midterms


CatumEntanglement t1_ivm3hy1 wrote

SO many questions from people too...even though the whole process is straight forward...people are in a hurry and stressed! Especially since many online sites that give you your ballot... didn't have question 5 on it. Lots of people were like "what is this one" and we said it's totally fine to take out your phone and look up ballot questions. A lot of people thought phones were not allowed. They aren't...if you're using them to record people and be harassing about it.

It was fun. I was the youngest volunteer there by at least 30yrs. Got to hear funny stories from the old ladies. Our security officer had a K9, who was a very sweet German shepard. Highly recommend volunteering to be a poll worker. I got into it because covid in 2020, as older workers were hesitant to volunteer because they were at higher risk. Kept at it since. More volunteering means more precincts can be open... so it increases voting access.