Submitted by FumyLikes t3_yvlizk in WorcesterMA

I've been coughing since the end of September, and my doctors don't even know what it is. I don't have any other symptoms but I've been coughing every single day. My doctors said they've been getting patients that have been coughing for a very long time as well. It's a little concerning to me that I've been coughing for over a month now..



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Terminus1066 t1_iwf6opw wrote

Any dust or mold in your house? Heat starts to kick on around the end of September, which can get dust in the air… I’m just guessing tho.


FumyLikes OP t1_iwf6stx wrote

I went to a festival in New York and got sick afterward, but all my symptoms went away BUT the cough. I don't know why.


Damaso87 t1_iwg0qqf wrote

Yes. Same situation. Baby just tested positive for RSV. It might be that.


DudeFromBahston t1_iwf90dr wrote

Could it be Long COVID (aka Post-COVID)?

From the CDC Website:

“People who experience post-COVID conditions most commonly report:

. . .

<Respiratory and heart symptoms>

  1. Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  2. Cough <—
  3. Chest pain
  4. Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations)”

FumyLikes OP t1_iwf95kz wrote

Honestly could be. Went to a festival in September, got sick, all symptoms went away but the cough.


heyitslola t1_iwfxh7b wrote

Person in my office had fairly mild covid in February and still has a nasty cough. The doctors actually called it ‘normal’ for post-Covid. I don’t think normal is the right label… maybe ‘expected’ is more accurate. Find a pulmonologist that has covid experience.


GoblinBags t1_iwh91iw wrote

...So I'm sorry if I'm blunt here, but this feels like the obvious problem. Most folks who have Long COVID are having either shortness of breath, loss of smell / smell change, or cough regularly. I have several friends that are like that at the moment - one of whom is typically doing 20+ hours of martial arts training a week and now he can't do any of it... Long COVID is awful.


lagoongassoon t1_iwfxddo wrote

Been coughing consistently since the second time I caught COVID, right around September


Lil_Brown_Bat t1_iwf8m8w wrote

Ok but did you see a generalist or a specialist? Try specifically seeing an allergist


5OMEBODY t1_iwg500h wrote

My wife had a cough post covid for about two months. It does go away, but takes its time. It is consistent with Covid symptoms


BagofFriddos t1_iwgcz0h wrote

They found out mine was because of undiagnosed GERD. Still have it though. Although firefighting and oncology probably don't help.


Grouchy-Buy3280 t1_iwgl162 wrote

I Got covid in January 2022. Still coughing


ghettoblaster78 t1_iwgmgxa wrote

I had a pretty bad cough in November of 2019 that didn’t completely go away until mid-February of 2020. I thought I had COVID before it crossed the ocean. I mean, it’s possible I had an early variant or something. It was the type of dry cough that made your eyes bloodshot, woke you up (if you ever even got to sleep), and made your whole body hurt, and it was hard to catch your breath. I went to ReadyMed maybe 5 times, saw various other doctors another 3-4 times. They checked for flu, pertussis, pneumonia, etc.—all negative. What helped me a bit was a cough med called Tessalon Perles and Azithromycin (Z-pack). After the antibiotics, the cough really began to subside. The doctors initially didn’t want to give me the Z-pack, but I insisted and it worked. A month later, right as stay in place happened, I got the flu. I got COVID last May, and it was very mild—5 days of just feeling blah with a mild fever, though I’m sure being vaccinated helped quite a bit.

Honestly, some coughs can last a month or two, but if it’s severe and impacting your breathing or sleep and OTC meds aren’t helping, ask about Tessalon Perles or getting antibiotics.


Left-Assumption-5843 t1_iwf1n8n wrote

Go see a doctor


FumyLikes OP t1_iwf1rlj wrote

I’ve tried.. three times now. They’ve given me different meds that hasn’t worked and essentially told me they have no clue what it is


Donebrach t1_iwfnfkt wrote

You probably just have a cough. Do you smoke? do you drink? how old are you? Sometimes you just get a cough that lingers for a while. Not the end of the world in and of itself.


ganymede62 t1_iwg6kc8 wrote

My wife has had a minor but persistent cough for about two months now. All screenings have been negative.


HistoricalSecurity77 t1_iwgawh2 wrote

My wife (healthy weight, early 30s, non-smoker and minimal drinker) has been coughing since September too. No COVID, she’s tested weekly. I haven’t got sick either. Antibiotics didn’t help. Doctors said bronchitis, but it’s been a month and still lingers. Very strange.


GoblinBags t1_iwh9bek wrote

Get an inhaler and try out this one product: MYCO Host Defense BREATH. It's got Cordyceps, Reishi and Chaga and I know of several people who have found it really helped. It is, by no means, a guarantee as alternative medicine is just as hit-or-miss as pharmaceuticals... But this is relatively cheap to try and see if it helps.


Biotechwhore t1_iwho9is wrote

Yes, same thing since early October. Been on a Z-Pack, prednisone, codeine cough syrup, albuterol inhaler, chest e-ray was clear. I had COVID for the first time in June and this has been much worse. Nothing really helps but it has gotten slightly better recently.


CoolAbdul t1_iwhoauu wrote

Buy and take Claratin D. It works.


phoenixofsevenhills t1_iwkwz7v wrote

Ive been sick 8 weeks... Negative COVID.. was told bronchitis rsv it sucks whatever it is.... I do Mucinex around the clock.... Unfortunately


Neyabenz t1_iwt8r1l wrote

Any chance your cough is post nasal drip? Mine got worse after a Rona infection.

Flonase helps, it's a low dose nasal steroid spray.

GERD can also cause chronic coughs. Also super common.


KadenKraw t1_ixdgokj wrote

Might just be a coughing tic at this point.