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lukewarm_sax t1_j0d28it wrote

I think because the 20 somethings who actually had the foresight to move elsewhere usually do so, the ones who stuck around don't mind the glitter covered shit, where as the older generations who had frustrations since the beginning didn't believe they had the option to move.


YoooJoee t1_j0d2gnk wrote

To add to that, the young adults also see potential, while some people who lived there, their whole lives just have bad experiences


lukewarm_sax t1_j0d4cqm wrote

true! I would say I've been fluctuating between 2 camps of thought as a late 20 something who just moved back here after living in Boston for the past 10 years. I see a lot of the potential in the city I was born in and would love to be a part of movements to create more robust culture here and advocate for better overall infrastructure, but I also am constantly frustrated at the speed of progress and how the aforementioned frustrated old fogies often block progress from happening, so then I end up researching apartments to rent in other cities across the globe that I'd gladly hop on a plane to and set up camp there because what I dream of in a city to live my life already exists elsewhere. Like, no one place is perfect and every city in the world has its problems, but idk, how much longer do I want to throw my energy into a place where the people on average might not want the same things I want out of life.