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SmartSherbet t1_j0d675g wrote

Never said I hate it. There's a lot to like here - the surrounding countryside and landscape, the diversity, the proximity to a ton of cool stuff in New England. But the shortcomings in the areas I mentioned are pretty frustrating for a city of this size that claims to be going through a renaissance. There's a ton of potential in Worcester, but the people in power can't seem to get out of their own way.


techorules t1_j0dfrv5 wrote

Sure I dont disagree with that. Not sure why you originally replied to me because as I said I was talking about people who have real hate so evidently not you, despite your rant (ranting is cathartic, not criticizing you!).


SmartSherbet t1_j0dyrlh wrote

I can see why my reply confused you. I think your premise, that people who moved here more recently are higher on Worcester than people who left long ago, may have some merit. But there are probably also quite a few people like me who are comparing today’s Worcester not to the Worcester of the 1990s, but to more functional similarly sized cities. Worcester does not come out looking good in those comparisons.