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PristinePine t1_j14ohzv wrote

I was in the same boat a while back and couldn't find a group to join. So I decided to DM a game myself and put feelers out and immediately had around 10 people interested when I could only host 4 in my space. Sadly work life schedules are always a mixed bag so we only play monthly even though all of us would love to play bi-weekly. I'd say its probably easyish to find players, but an incredible shortage of people willing to be the Dungeon Master. If you find a DM and like em' -- hang on for dear life.

Would be cool if That's Entertainment or maybe some other reddit space had a form to match people willing to dungeon master with people searching for a group. Maybe with a short quiz on game preferences ranking things 1-4 Story, Exploration, Combat, homebrew friendly, etc.