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lukewarm_sax t1_j10w635 wrote

Honestly good for them!!!! And I will be knocking on their department door every week begging them to build a robust public transport infrastructure so everyone here can stop complaining about the lack of parking :)


ToniBroos t1_j118dxw wrote

Stephen Rolle is a good dude. He has been getting on the streets with various advocacy groups and listening to what problems they face in the City.


System_Nomad_ t1_j12oyoh wrote

I choose to not own a car & I save like $700 bucks a month! I ♥️ saving money 💰


tommyverssetti t1_j13o860 wrote

Desperately needed department and long overdue


Apprehensive-Mode-45 t1_j11dmw8 wrote

Whoa! That’s a great hire! Very intrigued to see what transpires from this new department.


Karen1968a t1_j106jkj wrote

So. 2 NEW departments. I’m sure with 6 figure salaries across the board. Wonder where your tax dollars go ? Here’s your answer.


barry_abides t1_j110oa5 wrote

Here's all the salaries from last year, bet you can guess which dept. is actually getting the majority of the 6 figure salaries. Hardly any involved in city planning get anywhere close.


Karen1968a t1_j113hbe wrote

And your point? Mine is more administrative overhead is a colossal waste of tax dollars. And don’t get me started on the school department, that’s the single biggest waste of tax dollars. Read Ray Mariano’s recent columns on that cesspool.


[deleted] t1_j1363yb wrote



Karen1968a t1_j13mik9 wrote

Geez, pay attention - THATS my point! All that administrative overhead doesn’t do shit for the kids in the schools. Wipe it all out and spend the money in the CLASSROOM!


barry_abides t1_j111lms wrote

Where the tax dollars go, per the FY22 budget: "Education costs account for 57.3% of all City expenditures, fixed costs account for 19.3%, Public Safety (including Police, Fire, Emergency Communications and Inspectional Services) account for 14%, Public Works and Parks account for 3.1% and the remaining 6.3% funds other city operations."


AreYouNobody_Too t1_j11o93f wrote

You're free to live to Holden where all the other cry babies about Worcester policies live.


Karen1968a t1_j122c84 wrote

Perhaps I do and I just own rental property in Worcester so I can continue to screw the underprivileged. Although Shrewsbury would be more likely, even I think Holden is too much 😀


CoolAbdul t1_j10s6wq wrote

Any evidence that they will all have six figure salaries?


MattOLOLOL t1_j10m8os wrote

What do you do for a living, Karen?


Karen1968a t1_j10mqp2 wrote



CoolAbdul t1_j10sbxi wrote

Statie wife


Karen1968a t1_j112ylv wrote

Interesting guess, I’d kinda like to know what led you there, but no. 100% private sector.