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xxlaur77 t1_j2t4nkn wrote

I just moved here from out of state and was appalled at the state of the Target. I found bread that was a week expired.


masshole4life t1_j2trst6 wrote

that target is insane. the customers do trash the place but there's always pallets of stuff blocking aisles and you can't even get your cart through. like a third of the aisles, day or night, year-round, are blocked with pallets.

a literal third of the store is inaccessible at any given time. it's lunacy. then on top of that the customers dismantle every shelf and rack of stuff like bulls in a china shop. shoes flung everywhere, clothes and accessories all over the floor, packages ripped open, discarded wrappers of stolen items, it's a real nightmare going there.

corporate should close it down and try again in a different spot because that place is totally out of control.