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sunshinepills t1_j3rp5lb wrote

Reminder: there are going to be at least two City Council seats up for grabs this fall, and the way we as taxpayers vote could heavily influence the oversight that the City Council (currently fails to) provide over the WPD. There is a pretty strong group of Councilors who are ACTIVELY pushing for more police reform, but they're being swallowed up by the "let's just keep things as they are" Council majority.


DIYdyke t1_j3rtxht wrote

Where can I read more about this and how can I get involved? I want to educate myself but I don't know where to start


sunshinepills t1_j41nvmn wrote

There is a frustrating lack of City Council coverage from the "main" news sources (i.e., T&G, MassLive). Some of the sources I follow for City Council and other local matters are:

Worcester Sucks and I Love It (Newsletter on actual Worcester issues from a journalist fed up with crappy local coverage)

Nicole Apostola (Twitter account for an OG voice in Worcester)

Worcester Meeting News (previews/summaries of C.C. meetings)

Ben White (Twitter account for one of the Talk of the Commonwealth guys, with a lot of Worcester news. Some hot takes and some cold ones, but there's always a good discussion in the replies)


Karen1968a t1_j3tlwdk wrote

And the 2 known leavers are both from the activist side. Rivera is probably safe liberal but Rose could flip to the conservative side with a little luck