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Reasonable1901 t1_j3pnziz wrote

wow, didn’t know worcester’s dirty cops also had the bandwidth to plant evidence… given how busy they always look when i pass them on their construction detail.


CoolAbdul t1_j3rbljm wrote

Staties making $75/hr to sit in their cruisers.


ButtBlock t1_j3scntp wrote

Money is great and all, but what they should really do is send the guilty to prison for 16 years.


Brighteyed77 t1_j3qolen wrote

Worcester cops are useless. I’m so glad as a taxpayer, I get to pay for this.


masshole4life t1_j3qsjeq wrote

who needs paved roads, clean parks, and school textbooks, anyway? i'd much rather fork it all over to the steady stream of abuse victims manufactured by worcester's finest.


JoshSidekick t1_j3r842v wrote

Why do they need to plant drugs when there's a fresh stack of heroin needles outside my work every Monday? They could easily park in the lot across the way and watch the 1) drug deals and 2) using of the drugs from behind my dumpster.


SmartSherbet t1_j3roive wrote

Because that would a) require actual work, and b) mean they had to send actual dealers to prison, instead of whatever person they happen to have a petty grudge against.


Fabulously-humble t1_j3rjja7 wrote

Ugh!!!! I'm paying for this as a taxpayer. BULLSHIT. IM FUCKING PISSED.


sunshinepills t1_j3rp5lb wrote

Reminder: there are going to be at least two City Council seats up for grabs this fall, and the way we as taxpayers vote could heavily influence the oversight that the City Council (currently fails to) provide over the WPD. There is a pretty strong group of Councilors who are ACTIVELY pushing for more police reform, but they're being swallowed up by the "let's just keep things as they are" Council majority.


DIYdyke t1_j3rtxht wrote

Where can I read more about this and how can I get involved? I want to educate myself but I don't know where to start


sunshinepills t1_j41nvmn wrote

There is a frustrating lack of City Council coverage from the "main" news sources (i.e., T&G, MassLive). Some of the sources I follow for City Council and other local matters are:

Worcester Sucks and I Love It (Newsletter on actual Worcester issues from a journalist fed up with crappy local coverage)

Nicole Apostola (Twitter account for an OG voice in Worcester)

Worcester Meeting News (previews/summaries of C.C. meetings)

Ben White (Twitter account for one of the Talk of the Commonwealth guys, with a lot of Worcester news. Some hot takes and some cold ones, but there's always a good discussion in the replies)


Karen1968a t1_j3tlwdk wrote

And the 2 known leavers are both from the activist side. Rivera is probably safe liberal but Rose could flip to the conservative side with a little luck


Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_j3r8z9x wrote



MattOLOLOL t1_j3s5zbo wrote

Not really. It's not like the cops pay for it, the city does, which if you live here means you do.


Karen1968a t1_j3tlz5o wrote



masshole4life t1_j3wke6t wrote

where would the money come from to pay the premium? let them pay for their own insurance like every other professional who gets sued.


Karen1968a t1_j3wmkib wrote

I should have been more clear My question is, does the city already have insurance for lawsuits? My guess is no, but I was curious.


Old-Spend-8218 t1_j3z688r wrote

Officers Doherty and Hazelhurst. Did they get fired?