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darksideofthemoon131 t1_j3vxerd wrote

The owner of the building is slime, however it's not his responsibility. I worked there when it was Beatniks back in the day under both owners. The lease basically puts sole operation and maintenance of the building up to the holder of the lease. Unless something was changed in the verbiage of lease- it's Dave's responsibility, which is sad. The owner of building has no mortgage to it, they want to put no money into it, and will make sure that anyone who does shoulders the burden of maintenance.

This is a bad lease. It's something that needs to be addressed by the city BEFORE any lease gets signed. When Beatniks closed, the city should have stepped in and said no leases or businesses will be signed until the building is brought up to proper code. Instead it puts the responsibility of it on the small business owner, not the building owner- who knowingly leases it with the knowledge that it isn't up to code.

From what I understand in this issue as well is that the sprinklers are required with occupancy of the building being over 100 persons. The current occupancy is listed at 97 which doesn't jibe with the city.

One Eyed Jacks is a family business. The food is phenomenal. I go regularly. It's a shame to see this happen to someone trying to keep a business afloat. Businesses should have some level of protection when they are signing a lease because the money they put into the building (which is owned by someone else) only financially burdens them and benefits the owner of the building.


CoolAbdul t1_j3vzov0 wrote

That's a shame. The folks there have busted their butts to make the place successful.


NativeSon508 t1_j3wsinm wrote

They have protections when signing the lease. It’s nobodies fault but their own if they don’t read it. It’s a business. If the biz owner is in the habit of ignoring details as major as his lease….