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Beez_And_Trees t1_j4dn3k2 wrote

Where do I get this on a t-shirt tho? 🤔


0lazy0 t1_j4d7zh6 wrote

Hell yea


rrsafety t1_j4geid7 wrote

How do they define fascist?


leloinstitches t1_j5wpd0n wrote

Very nice to know that Worcester is anti-fascism, as should be the rest of America


jpm01609 t1_j4h50ws wrote

yeah, by posting at that exact location that statement rings true for EVERY Worcesterite


WindWhippet76 t1_j4fzkrh wrote

So how does JM keep getting re-elected?


Cheap_Coffee t1_j4grcdf wrote

I think... and this is just a guess.... because people vote for him.


hammlyss_ t1_j4g4xhu wrote


Jim McGovern? Worcester's Representative to Congress?


CoolAbdul OP t1_j4g8a29 wrote

That is not how you abbreviate "McGovern".


hammlyss_ t1_j4g9wnd wrote

Who is "JM" then?

And how would you abbreviate "McGovern"?


CoolAbdul OP t1_j4ganyr wrote

McG - not to be confused with the terrible director.

I'm sure this person is referring to McGovern, because loopy logic is one of the hallmarks of anyone who would be triggered by a "Worcester is Anti-Fascist" sticker.


Notmystationbro t1_j4f70bi wrote

So Antifa free ?


CoolAbdul OP t1_j4g7sro wrote

Sadly, no. A group of fascists held a rally only a few miles away in Auburn just last year, so there remains a need for anti-fascist efforts in Worcester. Anti-fascist does not mean free of the pests, so antifa etc remain unfortunately necessary.


GabeAby t1_j4e172w wrote

How so?


nboyle378 t1_j4g4sgl wrote

Antifascist doesn't mean what you think it means. It actually means pro fascism. These people remind me of certain groups in history. They seem like a mixture of the Soviet Era Bolesheviks and Hitler's Brown Shirts. If you stray an inch from their narrative then you will be terrorized and assaulted by these ANTIFA thugs. These people aren't particularly tough people but they amass large groups and bully you if they think you believe they are wrong in the slightest. Beware of these terms" Anti Racist" and "Anti Fascist" It doesn't mean what you think it means. I promise you.


sbaggers t1_j4g8msy wrote

I think you need to retake Latin

*Or greek


CatumEntanglement t1_j4guc1z wrote

Aiden, it's really time you got a real job instead of sitting on your ass all day while your wife makes sure you and your kids have a roof over your heads, medical insurance, and bills are paid. And you need to be more thankful for her efforts to support the family rather than go about cheating on her with that ex cop. If you don't get your shit together she is going to realize you're the leech in the family and finally kick you out.


GRAVEOFDOOM t1_j4g7v7n wrote

It's true. These groups use reverse psychology and self-projection everything, so what every they say they are against, they actually practice themselves. I can't wait until these maggots cannibalize each other, because they are all Communist trash and they are not capable of building anything and have no values or morals whatsoever. They are a destructive force, and they are Domestic Terrorists.


foredom t1_j4gaiwl wrote

Well put - another example of this clown world we’re living in.

Antifa = Anti-fascist = Fascist

They’re a far-left domestic terrorist group; their name, distorted definition of fascism, and the sign posted above are all just a psyop.


ScarcityOverall2339 t1_j4diyry wrote

Google antifa


WhackCaesar t1_j4ewee5 wrote

Google “fascist”, then google “what is the opposite of fascist?”