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beesintrees194 t1_j57fhpe wrote

Something that has helped me a lot is keeping blinds and curtains closed in rooms I don’t go in, or only opening a few blinds/curtains of the room I am in since windows let cold air in through the cracks. I’ve also been using an electric blanket instead of having a heater running when I can, but an electric blanket still uses electricity, so idk if that’s actually helping a lot or not. I haven’t seen my bill this month, so I’m a little scared😓

Update: Just checked my bill and it is double what it typically is and I’ve used less electricity than I normally do this billing period. I’m hoping enough customers get upset to get national grid to lower their rates somewhat close to normal, but idk if they will listen


dupattaluella OP t1_j57gvtf wrote

We just got new windows last month, so I hope we're not losing heat that way. And we actually get hot at night and have been thinking of reducing the heat 2-3 degrees for overnight. We do have an electric blanket on the bed and use it when we feel cold vs turning up the heat, but we rarely use it.


AnteaterEastern2811 t1_j59kyi6 wrote

Please share how the windows did/did not help with utilities once you get a bill.


dupattaluella OP t1_j59u0ir wrote

Our new bill is 75 kwh less. We got our new windows the 3rd day of this newest billing cycle I'm referring to in the post.