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Itchy_Rock_726 t1_j6870ie wrote

Natural gas.


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j68q1pf wrote

I don't understand the delivery charge, it sounds like they're charging you for the gas traveling through a pipe to your home. How is this an expense to them and an added cost to you? It sounds like BS to me. Propane is physically delivered and there's never a delivery fee. Years ago we lived in Worcester and Worcester had ComGas and no middle men. You got a monthly bill that was one price with no fees. We get all sorts of junk mail from Energy companies who claim to lower your bills. I haven't heard of one yet that actually has. I deal directly with National Grid for electricity and my propane supplier with no added fees. Everything else sounds like a scam.


Itchy_Rock_726 t1_j693iwv wrote

It's for the upkeep of all their infrastructure, they own and maintain and are responsible for the so to speak roads bridges and tunnels that move the gas to people's homes.

The last couple years they've been doing a lot of replacement work, you may have seen all the job sites and digging going on around town.

Now they are sticking ratepayers with the bill and most likely adding a nice fat tip for themselves on top.


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j6a7zue wrote

Geez, I thought our tax dollars were supposed to pay for infrastructure. I was unaware that private enterprises were also tax collectors. Sounds like the same kind of scam as finally resurfacing a pothole cratered road only to dig it up again to replace pipes. A friend in Charlton lives on a quiet back road that's been torn up for a long time and little at a time the road work has been completed. It's going to be repaved from end to end when its done. My friend said he thought it was odd to see so many different companies involved besides the road people. There have been all sorts of energy and communication companies and surveyors up and down the road. He told me he saw a couple of guys doing something with a large drone. Someone he knows works for the town old him it's all at the behest of Amazon. Something tells me his road isn't going to be quiet for long. I just wonder who's going to pay for all of this.