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levetzki t1_ja9tkid wrote

"It's nice to see you again. It's been to long, what would you say? 65 years?"

"I'm 72." I respond irritated.

"Oh my, my how time flies. Though time is... How do you say it? A human construction?" The grim reaper says with a grin and a smirk. It's amazing how much pleasure this thing seems to take in the death of others.

As I stand before the grim reaper memories surface coming to me like a flood from my soul. Memories of my other lives. Lives my soul experienced, and memories of my soul mate. I had never met my soulmate. However, we are inexplicably linked, and I can fele the connection, and the memories of who that soul has been.

It's something I, we, everyone has gone through time and time again. Every time they die the soil experiences this. Though it's all wiped away in each new life. Perhaps it's a small mercy, it's just to painful.

"You were so close this time you know?" The grim reaper says. "Tantalizingly close!" You would think something so old as the keeper of the realms between life and death would be less cheeky. Instead, the grim reaper seemed to reveal in mocking me.

My most recent memories surface, of the life I just lived. It was a good life. Then I see my soul mates.

My soulmate was the soul in my neighbors dog. A feisty thing that seemed to hate everyone except my neighbor, and inexplicably me. Though, I suppose that can be explained now can't it?

"Aww at last you two lived so close to eachother but it just wasn't meant to be. Didn't get to be the same species and you didn't even get that connection of having your soulmate as your pet." The grim reaper mocks me.

"You really take to much pleasure in this." I respond but I don't give in to the bait, the prodding. I have lifetimes of experience for now. At least until my next life.

The grim reaper just grind. "Well you are soul mates. Maybe your souls can find one another next time? Better luck in your next life!"

The grim reaper motions behind him to a door to a new life, to another rebirth.

"Go ahead. We both know there is no other option for your soul. Not unless you want to keep all your memories. Every mistake, every life digging into you as you relive everything all at once. Constantly, forever.

There is no other option. That is, unless you want to be me."