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DonQuixoteDesciple t1_j9v59x8 wrote

"Ok, so now we need to talk about proper consolidation movement and three-point model wrapping," Joshua said to Death.

"When do we actually get to play the game?" Death asked, closely inspecting one of Joshua's precious Iron Warriors. Josh chose to believe Death was admiring his paint job.

"After we learn to play it correctly. I'm a tournament player, so Im not going to teach you wrong on purpose. This shit is serious," said Joshua. He still couldnt stop shaking, but his devotion to the game gave him a focus that saw past the pallor of death that hung around him like a gossamer mist.

"When do I get to pick an army? Is there one best suited for me?" Death asked. He placed down the Iron Warrior and looked at the shelves of miniatures. The shelves and shelves and shelves of miniatures.

"After you learn the rules! Then you can review all of the armies, then we can play a few practice games with some armies you like the look of, then we can play for real...for my soul," said Joshua. The shakes peaked again.

"I am a master strategist," said Death, waving a dismissive hand at the shelves, "choose an army you believe will suite me, and I shall play it."

Joshua, without hesitation, took a box of dusty black space marines from the shelf. "Deathwatch," he said, dropping the box in front of Death.

"An apt choice. They shall be my army in the war for your soul," said Death.

"Good to know!" Said Joshua. He picked up his Hammerhead heavy Tau army case. He was no longer shaking. He was no longer even nervous. This was going to be ugly.


NotAWerewolfReally t1_j9wlyii wrote

You chose the armies, you're sure this is fair?


Cool, so you don't mind that we play boarding actions, right?


DonQuixoteDesciple t1_j9woi4m wrote

Lol man aint nobody plays boarding action


NotAWerewolfReally t1_j9wpm47 wrote

I'm spoiled. I live near a vibrant Warhammer community. I see boarding played at least once a week, 5-10 2k games a week as pickup games outside of the weekly events, Apocalypse games on a regular basis, AoO has been big lately...

I'm just getting into it myself, but the community here is amazing. I just finished my first mini this week, I'd show it but you'd be horrified, probably.


Sport-Foreign t1_j9wn3i7 wrote

Yeah it’s going to be ugly


DonQuixoteDesciple t1_j9wojt9 wrote

Railgun the pain away


Sport-Foreign t1_j9wowvn wrote

Deathwatch is my favorite to play against with tau. I had to build a new riptide to rub in the dreadnaught killed by overwatch. My friend hates it.