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manyname t1_j85pqho wrote

The halls of ice quivered as the demon laughed, a low tone of bass rattling stone and bone alike.

It paused, for a moment, as the figure looked to the other, before bursting into laughter again, harder than before. The booming laughter echoed through the twisting halls, overcoming the wails of the damned and the gnashing of teeth.

I am being serious, Ahpuch, the other spoke, their soft voice piercing through all noise. I require your help.

The laughter died swiftly, as the named demon stared down the speaker. And you shall not receive it. I remember what you did, Azrael. I know what you have done. The demon leaned forward, revealing a scarred wound. The only reason I do not strike you down here and now is the promise we had, back before the Fall.

Then for the sake of that promise, then. I ask of you, please.

Ahpuch gave a snort. Even if I were so keen to rekindle our prior friendship, as I said: I know what you have done. I will not shield you from Father's wrath.

Ahpuch, please--

No. Ahpuch leaned forward again, staring down the diminutive figure. You broke the Laws, Azrael. You struck down a demon in cold blood. Further, you have tempted many of my kin to their demise. Purposefully.

Then you know how desperate I am to come to you for help.

Ahpuch looked to Azrael, the two staring each other down for some time. Ahpuch gave a grim smile, stating, Then I suppose you will expect my high demands?


Ahpuch nodded, then thought. The demon finally decided on their demands, proclaiming them to the angel.

Then I would demand of you, your power. I would demand of you, your strength. I would demand of you, your domain over death. Give me these, and I will take on your role. I will take on your responsibilities. I will even take on your ward.

Demands made, the demon stood, extending a hand to the angel. A symbol formed in flame upon Ahpuch's hand, enveloping it the chains of contract. Azrael paused for a moment, before taking in a deep breath, and clasping the hand. The flame spread to his hand, searing the symbol in, scars forming as chains wrapped around his arm.

I accept your terms.

As the words were finished, Azrael gave a grimace of pain as the powers he held we lost, strength draining from his body. His divine glow lessened, until the only remnants of his being an angel were the dim halo above his head and wings upon his back.

Ahpuch, contract completed, inhaled the divine power, relishing in the unique flavor of its feeling. So long, it had been, since he had held such power.

Ah, I had missed this. Starting from now, as promised, I shall take on your role, your responsibilities, and ward.

Before Azrael could respond, Ahpuch lurched forward, using his newfound power to move at a speed the powerless angel could not match. The clawed hand found it's way cleanly through skin and bone to grasp around the angel's heart.


Azrael could not finish the sentence, as he coughed up blood. Ahpuch made his decree, as the divine power demanded.

Azrael, for your infractions upon the Laws of Father, He has deemed it fit for your destruction. Ne'er again shall ye serve Him, and ne'er shall you serve the whims of Hell.

The demon then kissed the angel once upon each cheek upon his face, telling him earnestly,

Goodbye, my old friend.

Then heart was torn asunder from body, as Azrael stumbled back, grasping at the hole in his chest. The angel reached out, unable to speak through the choking blood, as the beating heart slowed. The life continued to drain, the shock permeating on his face, as the beating came to a stop, before the body followed, falling still upon the ice.

Ahpuch watched the entire process, watching with a mixture of glee and sadness. While Azrael had done them wrong, he had been a good friend, once. Ahpuch decided it would only be right to keep some reminders of his friend. The demon reached down, ripping the halo and wings from their places, grafting them to his own being. They then ripped open their own ribcage, placing the angel's heart next to their own, grafting in into their body. Reminders taken, and power absorbed, them on looked away from the decaying body to the above Earth and Heaven, giving a smile.

Now then, let us meet this ward you have left me, Azrael.