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kung_fu_ferret t1_j71c7by wrote



existential_risk_lol OP t1_j71e8rp wrote

Yemoja is a sparsely inhabited Human-Controlled frontier planet, located 244 light-years away in the constellation Lyra. Its parent star, classification F-type main-sequence, is relatively young at an estimated age of 600-650 million years old: as a result, the system is highly volatile and unstable.

Yemoja is highly similar to the early Earth, slightly larger in radius with 135% of Earth-gravity, possibly due to to a heavy, metal rich core and mantle. Humanity's discovery of the planet occurred a few million years after the end of a cometary bombardment similar to Earth's own Late Heavy Bombardment, four billion years ago. The planet's high metallicity and heavy volcanism have produced a thick, smoggy atmosphere laced with sulphur dioxide and ammonia. The surface temperature on average is roughly 180 degrees Celsius.

Despite these unlivable conditions, a small mining outpost and refinery station mine for newly exposed heavy elements, as well as a contingent of scientists curious about the conditions on a primordial, Earth-like world. Future habitability of the planet is highly doubtful, due to its presence on the inner edge of its system's habitable zone as well as the short lifespan of its parent star.