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HelloWorld1352 t1_j71c7hb wrote



existential_risk_lol OP t1_j71ex3q wrote

Jiakoru is an Earth-like world, orbiting the red dwarf star Dremina, 88 light-years from Earth. It is the homeworld of the Onsu, a militaristic alien race currently under sanction by humanity and seventeen other members of the Orion Arm Council.

Due to Jiakoru's close proximity to Dremina, the planet's rotation is drastically slowed; while the planet completes a full orbit, or year, in 15.2 days, the planet rotates once every 153 hours; therefore, every year on Jiakoru is equiavalent to two and a half of its days. Most of the population is confined to latitudes near the planet's poles, where there are temperate zones and oceans of liquid water: the equatorial region is covered by a vast, dry desert, hotter than 150 degrees Celsius on average, in which nothing survives. High emission of light in infrared frequencies gives the planet a distinctive dark-green/black vegetation cover: human spy probes have returned pictures of a low-gravity world, poles covered in towering dense foliage.

Further information on Jiakoru requires authorization from OAC High Command, due to wartime information restriction policy A29.3CX.