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FrogBoy_3 t1_ja2efkw wrote

“I think you have the wrong guy.. My name is-“, “No, stop avoiding your responsibilities Famine, I know it’s you.”, They cross their arms as the two horses accompanying them whinny and start walking in circles. “Just come on out and take off the skin suit, it’s starting to creep me out, man.”, “Look.. Plague, I’m telling you, I’m just a normal guy! Aren’t you all supposed to be skeletons?? And what do you mean ‘skin suit’?? I didn’t know I could take my skin off!”, You yell, you’re tempted to just slam the door, but you also don’t want to get the Black Death.

“Look, Satan’s gonna be mad if you don’t get out, I don’t want to deal with another one of his lectures. Plus, he’s annoying fruity, at least to me.. Death doesn’t seem to mind.. I’m starting to think he’s ga-“, The skeleton rides past you both chasing your neighbor, it was fine though, he was an asshole anyways. “I’m telling you, you have the wrong dude. Now let me live out my remaining time on this accursed planet in peace.”

Plague just sighs and slices you open with a scythe, to your surprise, you.. didn’t die? “Come on bud, Death needs you.”


anotherlurkercount t1_ja2owda wrote


The sound seemed to come from everywhere all at once. It was so loud it completely drowned out all other sounds. The ground trembled and rattled everything atop but entirely different from any earthquake Jason had ever experienced. It was as if reality itself was being shaken inside a giant snowglobe. Holding his hands over his hurting ears he screamed as loud as he could and even inside his own body his shout paled in comparison to the sound. The sound dominated all, it was enormous, colossal and all emcompasing, it was everything. And then it stopped, again.

Opening his eyes slowly Jason found himself on the floor and hadn't even noticed the transition. Slowly he took his hands from his ears and was again startled. Silence. A thunderous silence that also rang loudly in his ears, had he gone deaf? Where was Mr socks? Could hearing a sound so loud repeatedly kill a canine? Looking around the room he wasn't surprised at the devastation wrought by such a quake. From the living room he could see his walls nearly bare, the pictures had fallen off and his bookshelves stood nearly empty, save one black leather bound book. Looking into the kitchen he could see even his cabinets had been rocked off their anchors and were hanging haphazardly or laying on the floor.

"Knock Knock". A sound, a small sound but definitely there. So he hadn't gone deaf after all, someone at the door. Probably Jeanine, no doubt freaking out that it happened a third time and worse, it seemed to be getting stronger not weaker.

"We're live?" a familiar deep, but less confident, voice asked from the near wall. The television screen was no longer showing it's rainbow bar code standby screen and a visibly shaken news anchor was adjusting his suit. " There it was again, we have reports from our international news network out of Tokyo, London, Budapest and every other affiliate still in contact with our headquarters, it is confirmed. The sound and quakes appear to be happening globally in what some are calling a massive pan-tectonic displacement event, while still many others are saying these are the trumpets of angels announcing the Apocalypse."

"Knock Knock". Turning back from the television he shook his head a bit, he had forgotten the door. The knocking wasn't any louder this time, nor was it faster paced like he expected. Just two even knocks like a heartbeat. "Well good maybe she isn't absolutely flipped out" Speaking a little louder he said "I'm coming!" with as much positivity as he could muster for her.

Walking through the living room required some tact as all of the possession he had worked hard for and collected over the years were strewn about in a manner that should have had him flipping out. In this moment though the though came in a distant second to making sure he didn't fall over with his head still feeling so light after the Sound. Opening the door he was surprised to be greeted by someone with long brown wavy hair like jeanine, but with a full beard to accompany it. He was smiling and holding out something in each hand. In one stood a long wooden pole with a wicked blade attached, starting thick by the haft and growing thinner until it reached a point at the end of its three foot length, the underside clearly razor sharp. In the other a thick folded black cloth with a hood and atop it a name-tag written in old english "Plague".

"Hello brother, the time has come and we have work to be about" the man said with a calm voice below kind eyes and a smile that was slight but reassuring somehow.

Jason blinked with both eyes, saying nothing. Then again. The man was still there, still smiling and calming holding out the items. Taking a deep breath Jason broke his silence timidly "Hi there, are you alright buddy?"

The man's slight smile bloomed into a full one, straight pearly teeth and dimpled cheeks, he was good looking and had a very easy manner about him. " I'm very blessed Jason, and while today will be a very dark day for many, for the lambs it marks the coming of the dawn after a very long dark night. Are you okay? Did you get hurt during one of the Trumps?" The man visibly looked Jason over for injury as he was finishing his sentence, genuine concern painted on his face and sounded in his voice.

So this guy has gone off the deep end, no wonder. That sound and quake would be just too much for many people. Atleast he seems calm and nice, despite holding a pokearm weapon Jason thought. "I uh-no I'm fine thank you" he said letting out a short nervous laugh.

"What's with the scythe?" Jason asked looking the man in the eye. He had brown eyes, no they were hazel actually. Pretty eyes really. Jason's father had always told him to look a man in the eye when you first meet him, the soul is behind them and sometimes you can see if it is a dark or light one. Jason could see, more clearly with this man than any other. He knew somehow, in that moment, the scythe needn't worry him.

"It's yours Jason, our Father has a very important mission to be carried out today and I need your help." The man said with a mixture of sober severity and yet still in a kindly way. Like one would speak to a child who was unsure of his surroundings but needed to be told what to do.

Jason barked another nervous laughed and smiled. Looking down at the name-tag and robe he took it from the man to inspect it and while reading the old english again he noticed the man's man bare hand no longer concealed by the robe. It had a gaping hole in the center. Everything stopped.

Maybe his heart even stopped, for seconds that seemed like hours he just stared at the hole. Then the birds began to sing again. Still fixated on the whole he could see daylight break through the clouds behind the man as he slowly lifted his gaze up his arms and to his face. Still smiling, reassuring. It was only then Jason realized he was crying as he collapsed to his knees and hugged the man's feet. "Oh Lord is it reall you? I am so grateful, I love you, thank you, thank you, I Love You." The words came out amidst his sobbing.

Through his weeping he felt the man's hand soothingly stroke the back of his head, "I love you too my son, and I always will."


Martinus_XIV t1_ja4sj2v wrote

"I know!" I answer frustratedly, "do you think I don't recognize Ruin's neighing?" I pitied the red horse. It had been growing more and more restless, and I couldn't blame it. I went back inside to continue rummaging.

Plague stands in the doorway for a moment. "You're running-"

"I KNOW I'm running late!" I bark back, "just ride on without me! Ruin and I will catch up with you!"

"War..." Plague says, hesitating, "are you... are you OK?"

I stop rummaging through my house and look Plague straight in the eye. He is probably the smartest of my siblings, but he could be dense sometimes. "... do I look OK?" I slowly ask him.

"We checked the seals this time," Plague says reassuringly, "It's the genuine apocalypse. All seven have been broken. None of that business like with Abaddon back then."

I let out a scream to the heavens. "That's not what this is about!" How dense could he be to not notice? "Ride on, damn you! I will catch up!"

"War..." Plague hesitates, "where is your sword?"

Finally he notices! "I misplaced it." I grunt.

"You mean to say you lost it?" Plague asks incredulously.

I grunt.

"You lost your sword!?"

I grunt again, a little more annoyedly this time.

"You lost your sword?" he repeats, "the Chaoseater? The blade specifically forged to deliver judgment in the never-ending war between the kingdoms of Heaven and Hell that we are riding off to. That sword?"


"Well, where did you put it?"

"If I knew, I would stab you right now!"


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mr_hei t1_ja21fkq wrote

something something typhoid mary


wathcman t1_ja3adjk wrote

I guess one of the horsemen couldn't make it to the event