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Shalidar13 t1_j9wadrw wrote

It was supposed to be a simple task. Go to this tower, slay the rogue dragon, save the princess, and so make an allegiance between my home and the nation of Grevanis. They were a strangely withdrawn people, but we couldn't fault their might. It wasn't that the survival of my country depended on me, but it would heavily sway things in our favour in the future.

I rode hard, the lone Knight sent to free her. From what we had been told, the rogue would see large numbers approach. Few would dare fight one on an open field. It was best to battle in an enclosed space, somewhere it could not fly. So I went alone, to battle with the greatest of monsters.

Throughout my approach, I saw few signs of its existence. Maybe some broken trees here, a slaughtered animal there, but it was few and far between. I had a doubt in my mind, that maybe it wasn't there. Or maybe this was an elaborate trap. I couldn't fathom why, and wasn't really in a position to turn around. If the dragon was here, I had to fight it. If this was a trap, I would just have to break it.

Finally I caught sight of my goal. A tower carved from the top of a rocky spire, standing proud above the landscape. A single bridge showed the way, leading to an open cave in the spires side. It was the only way in.

I knew some would ride in with little thought. But I had suspicions. Riding in all loud and proud would draw attention. Surely the caves were made to suit the rogue, with traps and ambush locations. If I were to let it know I was here, it would have all the time in the world to catch me off-guard.

No, I would try and turn the tables on it. Sneaking was the name of the game. This wasn't a matter of honor, this was being sensible. As I had learned when I was a squire, honor is perfect in a peaceful scenario. Under times of danger, it had some places, but often should be ignored. This was one of those times.

I let my horse run free, trusting him. He would stay nearby for a few days, grazing but able to move. If I didn't call or collect him before then, he would head back home. Either way, it should keep him moderately safe.

I moved as quietly as possible along the bridge, ducking into the cave opening as soon as I could. I took one last look at the outside world, realising what I hadn't seen before. Beneath the bridge lay a sizeable skeleton, that of a dragon itself. This was old, but likely the cause of it being classed as a rogue. Dragon's rarely ever fought each other, if they did it was over land. But those fights ended in wounds. Killing one another was a whole different ball game.

I shuddered, diving into the caves open maw. That was the work of a beast, not a thinking being. I kept my eyes peeled, listening hard as I moved. I couldn't afford a single mistake. No matter how long it took, I had to move carefully.

My journey up was slow. I passed bodies, most skeletal, but a couple still decomposing. Some were surrounded by soot, others in multiple pieces. Most were in the lower sections, evidence of the killing ground it was. But some were close to the towers itself, reaching out for the goal they couldn't reach.

But I found the tower entrance. I opened it, slipping in whilst looking around. The tower was empty, save for a spiral staircase leading up its interior, streching uo high above me. I drew my sword, approaching the stairs. I had a long climb ahead of me.

"Who are you?"

An oddly sweet voice drew my attention, causing me to jump. I spun to its source, seeing a beautiful woman standing in a soft pink dress. Her jet black hair shone, deep blue eyes set above a small nose and full cheeks. A holden necklace set with a large emerald hung around her neck, seeming to glotter like the rwst of her. Lace frills finished her delicate appearance, as she smiled at me.

"A-apologies ma'am. I'm here to set you free, and kill the rogue dragon."

Her smile widened, as she casually walked to me.

"Oh wow! You must be very strong and brave."

I smiled in return, sheathing my sword to extend a hand.

"I try."

Her eyes sparkled like jewels, slender fingers gripping my hand.

"I could use that."

The words were wrong. But even as I thought it, my mind stilled. She giggled, leading me to the stairs. I went with her, in a haze of soft floral perfume. She chattered away, but I didn't listen. Or rather, I couldn't.

I blinked, and we were at the top. A great wooden door barred our way, with a thick wooden beam holding it tight. She simply lifted it with one hand, opening it into her abode. I glanced at opulent furniture, before my eyes landed on a pole in the centre.

Another woman slumped there, arms manacled above her head. Her face was obscured by similar black hair to the princess. Yet whilst the princess was of darker skin, this woman had red scales. A pair of wings hung limply behind, her, a tail drooping to lie on the floor.

"Awwww, she's still tired out. Don't worry Mr Knight, you made it here. You get to help her."

Her words had an echoing edge. My addled mind shook, as I gazed on the situation. This was wrong. I had to act. How else could I ever have honor again. As I fought, the bound woman stirred. She looked up, a snout brushing hair aside. I made out a silver necklace on her neck, with a red jewel, before glancing at her eyes. They had slit pupils, begging for help.


The princess turned, tilting her head to the side in an adorable fashion.

"What? What is it?"

I pulled on my resolve, fighting to do something other than follow. For a second the fog cleared, but that was all I needed.


I backhanded her, knocking the princess to the ground. As she fell the fog disappeared completely, letting me thing again. She clutched her cheek in shock, before her face contorted into anger.

"You dare! I was going to let you live for a bit!"

Her back bulged, as leathery wings forced their way out. Her fingers curled into claws, nails lengthening. As she changed the dragon-woman cried out, an utterance of pain. I drew my sword, as the princess gave a haunting mix of a scream and a roar.

"You will burn!"

A flicker came from her mouth. I didn't wait, darting in close. This was a fight I had to win fast. The glimmer of her necklace caught my eye. It matched the one on the dragon-lady. That was important.

She swiped at me, and I raised my sword to block. Yet as she connected I realised my mistake. She was strong. Too strong, if the beam was anything to go by. I found myself thrown back, rolling to dissipate some of that force.


She lunged, breathing a torrent of flame. I jumped to the side, bringing my sword down in two hands. It cut into a wing, making her scream again. I avoided a counter attack, watching her wild strikes. She was strong, but untrained. All I had to do was not get hit.

She took in a breath, her mouth flickering again. Knowing what was coming I darted towards her, sword slicing towards her throat. Her eyes widened, knocking it away. But it went to cover the necklace, not herself.

I nodded to myself. The necklace was the key. Thinking fast I swung at her face, letting her defend. Yet I let go, coming behind her. I grabbed the necklace itself, pulling hard. The gold strained, before snapping. She screamed again, this time in utter agony. Her body collapsed inwards, forced back to a human form. A weak form.

The dragon-lady hissed, some strength coming back to her. I looked at her, as she raised her eyes to meet mine.

"Thank you."