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Suddenlyfoxes t1_j9xgim7 wrote

> The alien raised a slender hand. "Keeneetaa that is explained in terms of other things is not truly keeneetaa, for keeneetaa is both itself, and the description of itself. Even the sound of keeneetaa is not truly 'keeneetaa', it is rather the sound produced by an object colliding with nothing."

We do have similar concepts, incidentally.

"The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name..."


The-Name-is-my-Name t1_ja28n2d wrote

A patasphere without the Scarlet King cannot be one that has the Scarlet King, but pataphysics is all-encompassing, and thus the Scarlet King must exist in every patasphere.

Except he doesn’t.

Thus, the Scarlet King does not exist in the True patasphere. He’s just exists in something that is labeled the patasphere, but isn’t really the patasphere, because there exists canons where the Scarlet King does not exist, and those pataspheres are uniquely distinct from pataspheres where Scarlet King does exist.

Basically, whatever is labeled the patasphere isn’t the patasphere, because it doesn’t contain infinite realities, because it either doesn’t contain the Scarlet King, it doesn’t not contain the Scarlet King, or there are infinite of Scarlet Kings. That last one would violate the Scarlet King’s existence, and that conflict is already makes the True patasphere a fake one.

The Scarlet King cannot exist. The Scarlet King must exist.