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HelloWorld1352 t1_j90v6al wrote

Thank you for this story. Sorry if I rambled for a bit when suggesting my prompt, the concept has actually been on my mind for quite a bit but I didn’t really know what to do with it. Also, I don’t really like DC and other superhero comics either, the concept of superheroes has always been more interesting to me than comics and movies about them.


Aftel43 OP t1_j910ta4 wrote

You didn't really ramble, it is mostly my problem with the whole concept... Hollywood has kind of destroyed the concept on my part by just diluting it so much that I lost passion for it. No, I don't follow the comics or movies or tv shows.

I mostly play video games and every now and then read few books. I really should read that book I loaned Witcher: Elven Blood. I started reading it but, I found it quite heavy to read for work breaks so I stopped reading.