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mamedliemin t1_j7bo9i3 wrote

Niko, short for Nikolai, is what you would get if you'd mix deadly ninja disciplines with a man who survived a decade in Siberian gulag. Basically you'd have both an immovable object and unstoppable force within one man, who was also quite loyal. At least, that's what The Black Blood Brotherhood thought since they took him under their wing and taught him the way of the ninja. For all past eight years they were feeding a viper. A viper that one day would bite his master and slither into the darkness.

"Bollocks. Utter shite" I kept spitting out my anger, the scene of bloodbath lay before my eyes. The more I looked at it, the more infatuated with it I got. A morbid part of me got curious, but realistic part kept whispering this might happen to you too, friend.

"We couldn't find the bodies, sire" Charlie appeared behind me, jumping down from the ventilation tunnels without a thud. Almost gave me a heart attack. That boy knew his way around dark narrow tunnels, like a true ninja. Me, I never liked claustrophobic spaces, even during my training days, decades ago.

"If master was here, he would tell something along the lines of find the bloody bodies or there shall be no biscuits when you gulp down your tea!" I told Charlie. "He would also add, wanker to remind you how much he cares".

Charlie in turn nodded and was gone in a second, disappeared in the darkness that enveloped the dreadful looking meeting room. Black brotherhood's headquarters always looked grim, but goddamn, this was extreme even for them. Six heads lay on the small round table without their bodies, chairs left empty. They were placed on respective parts of the table, where their bodies would have been located if they were still alive. As if their bodies just disappeared and the heads just dropped on the table. "Well... stranger things have happened" I mumbled to myself.

"Sire, do you think he's still here?" Anya asked behind her black mask, her voice muffled.

"I believe he pissed off long time ago. If he were here, our heads would have decorated that table." I answered to take off the pressure from my disciple. "I think our heads there would have elevated the quality of the scenery, don't you think?"

She didn't reply. She had a thing for bad jokes, never laughed at them that fucker. But again, I've never seen her face, maybe she is hiding a wide grin there.

After making sure that there were no booby traps around the table, I moved forward. Looked at Ismail's face for a few seconds. "Honestly looks better than ever" I thought grimly. Death gave him a macabre aura of charm. He was the leader of TBBB. I guess he died like a leader too, surrounded by his flock. On his sides sat the heads of Ali and the other Ali. Mirza on the left from Ali looked as if he was smiling. He was a funny guy and it seemed he carried that goofy face of his to the other world. Top of Farad's head was missing, his brain glimmering under the single lamp on the ceiling. Honestly, I was quite surprised when I saw his brain, never thought he had one. Then there was Tarik... or who I thought was Tarik, as his head was split in two, his dead eyes barely visible on either sides of the ravine left by the blade.

"The last vanguard of ninjas in middle east, gone, just like that, master" I told to Edward after giving him a call. "Their heads are here, but Niko hid the bodies it seems, I don't know why tough"

"Find the bloody bodies or there shall be no biscuits when you gulp down your tea, wanker" master shouted from quarter a world away. Twenty years and the same analogy kept going strong. I think when he dies and when we put up a shitty memorial for our master, I shall personally ask the organization to carve those words onto his tomb.

"Yes, master. It shall be done" I finished the conversation, although he hanged up before me. It was a grave day for us ninjas, after all "a rogue ninja", the old scriptures said, "is more dangerous than a hungry tiger". I had no idea about his motives and that made him ever more dangerous. It seemed our corporation back in London will have some housekeeping to do, as TBBB were one of our closest allies.

"Anya, call the cleaners" I ordered my underling as I took closer look to Ismail's head.

"Sire, don't forget the gloves" Charlie gave me another scare, appearing out of thin air behind me. I was never as good in scaring the shit out of people. This guy was 24 and he mastered it already. He was going to be a great teacher when he reaches my age.

"Did you find the bodies?" I asked the second time and was gifted with no the second time. "Well, if you can't do your job, then go make me some tea instead. The kitchen is over there" I pointed at the small counter on the opposite side of the room.

"Sire, I did find this however" Charlie mumbled and quickly handed me a piece of battered paper.

It was a sign in kanji, written in blood and it read as "We, the ones you thought obliterated, the ones you thought buried under the heavy dirt of history. We were always there, watching your ways and will be there long since your name and teachings are forgotten. We are coming for you..." it read. That fucker Niko kept the best part for the last. As my eyes kept reading the dreadful but somewhat poetic text, my mind exploded into million small pieces inside my thick skull. The text ended with "We the samurai".