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NextEstablishment856 OP t1_j8w23o3 wrote

This was it. Commander Collapser had his nemesis, Dr. Defacer, on the ropes. In a few more hits, it was all over.

Collapser had decided enough was enough, and one way or another, he'd end it all today. Either the Doc died, or he did. While it's easy to see the final straw, it was hard to put thing into his perspective. After all, Dr. Defacer had never killed anyone. Not directly.

But after years of little embarrassments, of failure after failure to stop him, of watching him walk out of every trial a free man, well, it adds up. And it was hardly the first time Collapser had killed a villain.

Now, here, he had his foe on the ground, saw the fear in the little man's eyes, and raised his battle hammer for the final blow.

"Goodbye, Doc," he said, starting the downswing.

"Bonjour," came from behind him. Or rather, "Bahn jor." It was a woman's voice with a deep Texas drawl. He'd deal with her in a moment.

Except, in a moment, he found he was sweeping down on Dr. Defacer with a feather duster, instead of a hammer. He chucked aside a went to grab a chunk of the surrounding rubble when he noticed his gloves were gone.

His whole outfit, in fact, was changed. No longer his suit, specially designed by top government scientists, but a rather revealing maid uniform, or rather, Spirit Halloween's idea of a maid uniform. He turned and saw the woman, in the standard Defacer mook getup. He went to charge her, but was suddenly aware of the sound of a news helicopter. He stopped and stared at them for just a moment, but it was moment enough for the Doc to activate a teleporter and escape, taking his henchwoman with him.

His career was ruined after that, his face having been revealed when his mask changed to the little white headband thing. Family and friends had to go into the protection program. But being honest, he didn't care about that. No, it was the clip, shown over and over and over again. The whole world had seen that one, last, crowning moment of embarrassment.

He would need to go rogue, make a new suit on his own, so he could get his revenge. He'd end Defacer yet. But first he'd have to deal with that woman.