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NextEstablishment856 OP t1_j8x4g9s wrote

"Ok, so you remember how I helped you during the Tarvaxi Invasion, and I didn't just immediately betray you, so you said you'd owe me one?"

Jen took a sip of her beer and braced herself. Doctor Defacer was always a little excitable, but he was especially amped right now, so she knew this was going to be big. She gave a small nod for him to continue.

"So anyway, my college roommate, well this universe's iteration of my college roommate, ok no, actually, I never went to college in my universe, I just bond the Grand Knower of All Things to my mind for a bit. It's OK, he was a jerk and he's fine and we are both better for it. Where was I? Oh yes, this universe's iteration of me's college roommate. That guy is Suprime. You know, the superhero, Suprime?"

"Yup. Real prick."

"Oh? Oh. Well, here I thought it was just me."

"Nah," she chuckled. "You're far from the only prick out there. Just look at my dating history."

"Burning us both? Well played. Anyway, Suprime is going to be here as part of his alter ego's work, and I need to impress him with my villainous prowess. For this universe's me's sake."

"And why are you talking to me?"

"Well, with the new hench union system, I can't afford a femme fatale to help on nonprofit jobs like this."

"Uh-huh. And?"

"I want to call in my favor and have you play the femme fatale for a job I pull to impress Suprime. I just need to trap him and rob a bank. No deaths, no injuries. I'll even release him after."

She took a much larger gulp and finished her beer. She wanted to say no. She could probably weasel her way out of it. But that business with the Tarvaxi was tough, and she had stressed over how to pay him back for a while." Ok, on one condition."

"Name it," he said, already holding out his hand for the shake.

"I choose my own outfit," she said, taking his hand and giving it a good squeeze and one solid pump. She was surprised to find it felt nothing like when she made that deal with a devil last year. At least the Doc didn't remember helping her out of that mess.