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Tekhead001 t1_ja3cv45 wrote

Ghuriel tried to buy me out, thinking I was desperate until I explained that the callback to Americana generated a feast of pride. Nohriel tried to round up some bikers and burn my place down, but I talked him down and explained that getting kids hooked on sugar early was a cash cow for Greed. All those addictive habits. Theriel thought I was going soft until I showed him the statistics on childhood obesity and Gluttony.

But at the end of the day, when all my brothers in damnation had wandered back to their drug dens and dive bars and politics, in the small hours of the night when I and my modest harem of witches had finished celebrating our own carnal 'witching hour', I can finally admit to myself what I can never say to my fellow demons, something the rest of them forgot when we all fell.

There's more magic in a child's smile than in every soul contract ever written, and the faith and trust those children offer freely is more rewarding than anything Lucifer himself could offer.


Commander_Night_17 t1_ja3dfs3 wrote

Someone has a bit more angel in him than he'd admit


Tekhead001 t1_ja3rh0g wrote

According to Christian mythology, all demons started as angels.


doomofanubis t1_ja478g0 wrote

Even though it REALLY doesn't make sense to punish defectors by putting them in charge of your prison system...


Final_Biochemist222 t1_ja4ernf wrote

I always thought of god essentially creating something similar to a self sustaining criminal ecosystem.

Since the denizens of hell are basically locked there anyway without a way out?, why not just put the big boys in there as well? Naturally, they'll form a hierarchy that would dominate over weaker human souls. This serves two purposes

  1. The big dogs keep the smaller dogs (humans) in line and maintain the status quo.

  2. To make sure the damned human suffer accordingly

This is the same with real life in the criminal world. It is always safer for the law enforcement if few but big entities running operations where they can be more self contained and predictable than having a fractured system where small times go around causing chaos. This is currently the case with the mexican cartels


Tekhead001 t1_ja5gqv8 wrote

In the original mythology, things got a little bit complex. First and foremost because it was outright stated that like all angels, satan had no free will. When he rebelled, it wasn't his choice to do so. It was so the pantheon that Yahweh was a member of at the time could flex on having their servants beat up another group of servants who couldn't fight back. And yes, the original Hebrew religion was polytheistic just like most other religions of that era and region. It didn't get squashed down into a monotheism until one of the later Hebrew Kings marched into the temple and destroyed the statues of all the other gods except Yahweh. But the point is, that from the start the whole rebellion thing was staged because the gods needed a villain.


LylBewitched t1_ja5ndzd wrote

If I recall correctly, the king who squashed that the hardest was king josiah


doomofanubis t1_ja65604 wrote

That was the other part of it that bothered me. Humans are supposed to be 'special' because we have free will, while other can only obey orders and instinct. That is still true in the modern version, yet somehow, a being without that free will rebelled and is now in punishment (which consists of making others do bad things so they can also be punished?)


Loki007x t1_ja5q87u wrote

Wow, didn't know that their was anyone else out there that knew this.


Aphrel86 t1_ja72auc wrote

unless its not a prison system but more of a sorting system. you put your defectors in charge of your unwanted byproducts that means nothing to you while keeping the good products up in heaven with your cohorts :D


canofmeems t1_ja4eo3j wrote

Even less to let them roam free in heaven.

The bible says that got put them is a state where they can be free but spiritually blind, it's called "Tartarus" so none of them can see gods purpose or any spiritual light, but they still have their power.

All the suspicious exorcist stuff that happens is one of them.

But it'll end soon.


Commander_Night_17 t1_ja6s20e wrote

I do know that, and as fallen angels they usualy deny angelic actions.

Since this one has a genuine love in children, he might be more of an angel than he thinks

P.S. Dear God have I opened a buzzing jar of religous argument


Tekhead001 t1_ja8vyzv wrote

Or his talk about a child smile being magic was literal, and he's actually feeding off of their faith and joy as a power source.