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Tekhead001 t1_ja5gqv8 wrote

In the original mythology, things got a little bit complex. First and foremost because it was outright stated that like all angels, satan had no free will. When he rebelled, it wasn't his choice to do so. It was so the pantheon that Yahweh was a member of at the time could flex on having their servants beat up another group of servants who couldn't fight back. And yes, the original Hebrew religion was polytheistic just like most other religions of that era and region. It didn't get squashed down into a monotheism until one of the later Hebrew Kings marched into the temple and destroyed the statues of all the other gods except Yahweh. But the point is, that from the start the whole rebellion thing was staged because the gods needed a villain.


LylBewitched t1_ja5ndzd wrote

If I recall correctly, the king who squashed that the hardest was king josiah


doomofanubis t1_ja65604 wrote

That was the other part of it that bothered me. Humans are supposed to be 'special' because we have free will, while other can only obey orders and instinct. That is still true in the modern version, yet somehow, a being without that free will rebelled and is now in punishment (which consists of making others do bad things so they can also be punished?)


Loki007x t1_ja5q87u wrote

Wow, didn't know that their was anyone else out there that knew this.