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FPSReaper124 t1_j8msijp wrote

The all too familiar click of a back-door lock being picked. A shadowy figure, blocking what little light was entering the room through the kitchen window.

I turned my wrist to look at the time. 12:45 am.

He was nothing if not consistent.

I finish my green tea, quickly flicking the bag away into the bin. I'd have to wash the cup later.

He took another step and I simply smiled and got up from my chair. I always liked to stretch before the next part.

"Vladimir" I said, nodding politely. I'd have offered out my hand, but his new cybernetic replacement likely would've broken a bone.

"Terry", he replied curtly. This was always his least favourite part, but he had to keep up appearances.

I felt, more than saw the sleep ray hit me, and then I was out.

"She's what?" I asked, exasperatedly. I had almost launched off of the couch, but the blankets were unbearably comfortable and my muscles were aching from their sudden shut down.

"Not coming". Captain Red replied in his deep baritone.

"That's Bullshit. We had a plan!"

He nodded solemnly.

"Was finally going to ask her. I finally had confidence."

"Fuck yeah you did dude!" I said in an attempt to console him. I was beginning to be able to stretch slightly painlessly, the massage mode of the couch seemed to be doing wonders.

"Look did she give you any indication why she didn't wanna be rescued?"

"I thought you would know, are you not best friend?" his poorly stereotyped accent might have been outlandish in any other given scenario, but I knew all too well he'd been created that way.

"Well I thought so, she tells me everything. Or nearly everything. I guess... Oh no."

"Vat?" the Captain asked, he was wearing a well fitted suit. He'd even swapped out his mechanical red claw limb for an advanced hand prosthetic so he could hold a bouquet.

"Vat you think is wrong Comerade?"

"I think we've been spending too much time together. She realises you aren't actually a threat."

His face became a mix of shock and awkward realisation. They both knew Lady Justice well enough to know she wasn't a fool, of course they'd gotten so caught up in their "Plan" they didn't even think about the fact she'd catch on.

"She probably thinks you are working for me, or even worse that this is all just bad prank."

He had a point but I didn't want to admit it. The last thing he needed was a blow to his confidence.

I experimentally moved my legs, swung them over the side of the couch and stood up. I was still a little sore, but I could move well enough and we had limited time.

"Does the Commu-car still work?" I demanded.

"Da. It is how I brought you here."

"Perfect, then you and I are gonna drive to Lady Justice's house right now and you are gonna ask her on that date."

Vladimir looked like he might throw up, but nodded. Nerves, it seemed even affected supervillains.

There was no time to waste though. I was playing cupid, and I wasn't going to miss, after all they'd been through, they both deserved a happy dose of happiness.


The Ride was short and full of reassurance and stress but they did finally manage to get to the Hall of the Heroic where Lady Justice had been living.

Now, I waited, as Captain Red, extravagant communist superhero approached the door of the love of his life, sighed and knocked.

She answered the door and he began to speak.


Tabnakorion t1_j8oagv3 wrote

I need a part 2. Does Captain Red get a date? I gotta know!