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Minaaven t1_j8nfqaq wrote

 I wake from bed. Make my way down the stairs. Enter the kitchen, and prepare a bowl of cereal. Delicious as always. 

"It's that time of the week" I thought. I could barely contain my excitement. Every week Caesar, our local 'Supervillain' makes his way into my home and steals me away to his hideout. I was pretty scared the first time it happened, but he turned out to be a pretty nice guy. After a few hours the superhero showed up and I was so relieved I could go home. Then next week he took me again. I thought that was a crazy coincidence, I mean he grabbed the same person two times, what are the chances. Then it happened again next week, then the next, and the next after that. 39 is my count. Today will be 40. I checked my watch. "Where is he" I said aloud, tapping my foot in anticipation. "he's never late." And he never was. Like clockwork, my door crashed in and smoke filled the room. I felt an arm around my waist and I was carried away. I couldn't help but smile. "Can I get you something to drink? A snack maybe?" He had asked. Always the gentleman he was. "Shouldn't the hero be here by now" I asked "it's been almost six hours." The hero was never late. Two hours was all it ever took for them to find me. Caesar was looking anxious. Pacing to and fro. He finished his preparations for the hero hours ago. "I'm sure that they are on their way" he reassured me. Though he seemed to moreso be saying that to himself. He gazed out the window and saw smoke was rising from buildings. He stepped back "where are they?" I rose from my seat and looked outside. There didn't appear to be any heroes out there. Buildings were crumbling. Bodies lay in the street. Villains soared through the skies. Then I saw a familiar face on the street. I looked over and Caesar was gone. I looked back out and saw him, an army in tow, match through the streets. My stomach churned. I couldn't believe this. He had never actually acted before. I was scared of what he might do. My fears were set to rest quickly as he launched into the air and tackled down a villain in the sky. He was dead on impact. Caesar made his way through the city ending villain after villain. With no heroes left, Caeser took matters into his own hands. Things quieted down. Fires were gone. Buildings stopped falling. But there was no sign of Caesar. I searched the city. The soldiers he marched out with littered the streets. I searched for hours. Finally I found him. He layed dead a block away from his base, surrounded by the bodies of other supervillains.