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mogdogolog t1_j9uybpq wrote

The assassin's guild looked like any other building along the main road of the Imperial capital. It was not an underground den nestled somewhere in the filthy sewers, nor a run down warehouse with clear ne'er do wells lounging beside the entrance. In fact, to the average person walking by it didn't appear to be any different from the dozen other businesses all around. Unless they knew.

The inside was similarly orderly, instead of rogues dressed in black cloaks, hoods and adorned with all manner of nasty weapons there were normal people who looked like they could belong to any profession. Men who could be farmers or blacksmiths, women who could be seamstresses or maids. But they weren't. They were all assassins and they were all professionals.

Inside an office at the end of one corridor sat the most professional of them all. A tall, lithe man dressed impeccably in the latest fashion, replete with a collar expanding several inches in each direction. His dark hair was combed neatly to one side and a small pair of glasses hung upon to tip of his angular nose.

A letter was held in the man's hands, one that was slowly causing his sharp features to twist into a more and more fierce expression. By the time he reached the end, the letter fell limply from his hands as his face fell forwards with a grimace.

Interrupting the room's silence a knock on the door jolted the man upright as his face immediately fell into a completely neutral expression. "Enter." He said in a low, calm voice.

A younger man opened the door and hurriedly bowed his head, "Gregnok is back Sir Winsom."

The room was silent for just a moment more before Winsom inhaled deeply.

"Send him in."

The younger man fled from the room and scarcely seconds later the thud of heavy footprints could be heard rapidly approaching. The door crashed open as a hulking form pushed it's way in.

Barely able to fit through the door Gregnok was a mountain of a man. His hulking body was bursting with muscles that seemed to ripple with every step he took, all bare to the world save a few thankfully hidden beneath the fur loincloth tied around his waist. Dropping the enormous axe from his shoulders and against the wall the man collapsed onto the chair opposite Winsom's desk, which creaked omminously beneath his weight.

"Do you know why I've called you here?" Winsom asked.

The slab of muscle appeared to carefully consider the question, before breaking out into an enormous smile. "You going to congratulate Gregnok on good job! Gregnok best assassin in whole guild, always kill me man, hey chief."

Winsom's neutral expression broke into annoyance for just a second before being smoothed over. "Sir." He corrected.

A flash of confusion washed over Gregnok's face. "No Gregnok not knighted."

"Look Gregnok, you're here because we have some concerns about your conduct in your missions." Winsom cut in, fixing the other man with the most vicious glare he could muster. Gregnok did not seem to notice. "We've had reports that no less than 3 assassin's guilds have been destroyed over the last year and with no leads on what happened we cannot have anyone drawing unwanted attention."

"Gregnok being doing good," The giant exclaimed, "he kill all targets no problem, only one in guild with one hundred purs– persan- persent success!"

"Look Gregnok, there have been complaints."

"Complaints?" Horror filled the man's face, "No!"

"Yes, remember how Duke Stragnel requested we kill his wife last week?"

"Yes, Gregnok kill her easy. Weak fighter, no match for Gregnok's axe."

"Yes, you also killed his mistress he had wanted to replace her with!"

"How Gregnok supposed to know difference! They both had long hair, needed make sure I got right one."

Winsom's hands tightened into fists as he began to breath in and out slowly. "What about when Count Fuzel asked us to kill his younger brother?"

"Chopped he right in half." Gregnok announced proudly.

"You killed half the man's private army!"

"...They started it…"

Winsom half stood up, then sank back into his chair. He forced his voice back into a calmer tone. "What about… What about when Count Mino asked us to kill Viscount Renly at that party?"

"Made sure that guy got tha chop."

"You. Killed. Everyone at the party."

"Count Mino wouldn't complain about that!" Gregnok retorted.

"That's because Count Mino was at the party!" Winsom yelled, before quickly collecting himself again. "We can forgive many things if we still get results, but killing a client means we don't even get paid."

"It does?!"

"I'm sorry Gregnok, I don't think this is working out."

"No," The hulking man said, sinking back into his seat. "you firing me? Gregnok love his job… This the fourth assassin guild Gregnok get fired from this year…"

"I'm sorry Gregnok, I really am." Winsom said quietly, "Maybe the Warriors guild might be a better- Wait what did you just say?"

Gregnok was already on his feet, hefting his axe, he turned back to Winsom with a rare stern expression. "Need to make sure me not get any bad references."