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mercy-moo OP t1_j8fmgjb wrote

Dimuna, the Half-Orc Cleric (Peace Domain)

From a young age, Dimuna noticed how her village's elder never thought about the long-term, especially when it came to war. He thirsted for the blood of everything that came in his path, no matter what, and he ruled the village much in the same way.

She had always worshiped Lady Eladia, Goddess of War and Love, and if there was one thing prioritized in Her teachings, it was balance. A divine balance between war and peace, between love and hatred, between being gentle and harsh.

It was predominantly due to these teachings that Dimuna grew to hate her village elder.

She pitied how the other villagers just bowed to his iron fist with no thought... but it also made her shake in rage at how he could even think of treating his people in this way, how this shepherd seemed hellbent on abusing his sheep.

She pledged to herself that someday, she'd make things right. She'd restore the world to a more just order, both in her little village and in the corrupt kingdoms that surrounded her.

So, when Lady Eladia Herself showed up in her dreams, handing her that metaphorical sickle to harvest the seeds of justice, she seized the opportunity.

That morning, she woke up with divine magic coursing through her veins that she knew hadn't been there before, and she decided that the elder of her village would make for some great target practice.

In all honesty, it was humiliatingly easy to beat the iron fist that choked the village of Stormsong, because it had an obvious weakness.

It turned out that while their leader had skill in physical combat, he severely lacked any magical capabilities. Maybe that was one of the benefits of having such a bloodthirsty elder; they never stop to think of the damage that could be done without spilling a drop of red.

Dimuna didn't even need to harm him to get the job done; a little bit of enchanting magic worked just fine in convincing him to step down. And when the spell wore off and he started protesting again, a small tusked grin and a gentle reminder of what she could do to his feeble mind were enough to stop him.

And so, with a new elder appointed in Stormsong, Dimuna set off to other towns, looking for those who needed help throughout the world. After all, Lady Eladia's worshippers called Her "The Liberator of Cities" for a reason, and she intended to follow in her Goddess's image for as long as she could.

She often heard from others throughout her journey that it was odd for a woman with such physical and magical prowess to be a Peace Cleric, of all things. But can one really be peaceful if they're just harmless?


Koanos t1_j8g7047 wrote

I like Dimuna, and I really liked how you played with the contradictions!


mercy-moo OP t1_j8gev65 wrote

thank you!! i had a lot of fun writing her concept :D