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Benhow200 t1_jadkfkh wrote

Fredrick smiled as he twirled the wine glass with two fingers, shutting his eyes to his own murky reflection as he sipped on the red liquid. "A fine day," he began a moment later, placing his beverage down upon the dinner table, "would you not agree?"

"Most certainly," another man, accompanied by his spouse, nodded, grinning pleasantly. "It has been a long time indeed, since I could last reveal myself so openly."

All around, the soft murmur of chatter reverberated across the chamber. Fredrick's toothy beam only expanded, as he basked in the jovial atmosphere. He too had been getting rather exhausted with keeping his cravings in check. But here? At his own private gathering — not to mention in the company of his own kind — his carnal desires could be wrenched from their leashes at last.

"Please do engorge yourselves, my dears, on the fountain as much as you see fit."

Glass now empty, Fredrick swished the vial through the crimson streams, doing his best not to stain the sleeve of his suit. He could tell that many of the newcomers to their society were giving the suspiciously human-looking lumps at the bottom of the waters concerned looks, but he paid them no mind. They would learn, eventually. Perhaps, given enough time, they would even become accustomed to it.

Sebastian kept up his pleasant demeanor, a certain entranced twinkle highlighting his eyes, whenever he did glimpse upon the brilliant stream. "Lifeblood," he sighed, "there is no greater thing. Yet again, I find myself thanking you most dearly, Fredrick."

As Fredrick's guests went positively insane with whatever was the vampirical version of gold fever, he shut his eyelids softly, leaned against a marble pillar, and relaxed. Another successful party, was the only thought to cross his eased mind.

The proceeding crash made sure to do away with that momentary peace, however. Jolting awake, it would be safe to say that Fredrick was more flabbergasted than irked, as an upheaval of blood rendered his grey suit unwearable. Some dark shadow had just fell directly into the fountain, and by the creaking of an open window overhead, whoever it was most certainly didn't have an invitation.

"I don't suppose you ordered an extra serving of blood, did you, Fredrick?" Sandra, Sebastian's wife, spoke.

"No." Fredrick felt the muscles of his mouth bending downwards. "No I did not."

With enough force that every bone in his right arm and hand cracked, he pulled the robber out of the disturbed lifeforce, frowning most severely.

The burglar squirmed in his grip, and even behind their jet black mask, Fredrick saw the man's eyes dart all around in horror. "What — no, I-"

Fredrick pushed the invading presence back down into the fountain's vermillion depths. There was an obscured thumping sound, and no body surfaced again.

"Apologies everyone," Fredrick swept down his shirt and tie, moving towards his private chambers to redress himself, "I must have forgotten about the refill I ordered. Please continue as you were!"


N-ShadowFrog t1_jadlaym wrote

“What the f*ck is going on!” Loraine screamed and Duke Anges who knows as hyperventilating under the table. A concerning action since neither of them needed to breath.

The day had started pretty normally with Countess Penelope inviting them and some other local vampire aristocrats to a soirée at her new mansion. They ate, drank, and danced until the sun began to rise at which point they decided to sleep in and return home at dusk.

But then one of Penelope’s thralls revealed that a thief had broken into the mansion. Lord Dimitri proposed they play one final game where whoever caught the thief could choose what to do with him, drink his blood, turn him into a thrall, keep him as a pet, etc. The game was going pretty well until we suddenly heard Penelope’s screams. Following them we arrived in the hall where her torn body was laying on the ground under a behemoth with obsidian skin and golden eyes.

“Vampire” it growled as it pounced on Lord Dimitri who had also arrived. Scared for our lives we fled as the beast tore fed on his living body. After a while we entered the dining room and hid under the table which is were we are now.

“Again, what the f*ck was that?” I scream at Duke Anges.

“A Huntire.” He whispered back.

“A what?”

“About a decade ago, the magic tower, alchemist guild, church of light, and some human nobles worked on a project to rid the world of creatures of the night. One of those creatures was the Huntire. It’s normally no different from the average human but when it gets dark blood in it’s mouth it turns into a bloodthirsty monster who hungers only for creatures of the night.”

“What? Why didn’t we know about this?”

“It was all theoretical. The project was shut down in a year and our reports said no monsters were made.”

“We’ll your reports were wrong.”

“This must be a test subject that escaped.”

“Good to know. Now how do we kill it?”

“We can’t. At least not in that form and with the blood of two vampires it won’t change back for at least a week. Our best option is to escape the mansion.”

“Hello, it’s daytime. We’ll burn to ash the second we step outside.”

“Then we’ll have to wait until night. We should split up and leave so it’s harder to track us. And tell everyone you run into the game’s changed. Forget stealing his life cause it’s now will you survive.”


Crystal1501 t1_jae1qkq wrote

"So it's common for vampires to just send out mass invitations to parties?" I query as Grit, Terror and I are ushered into the largest, fanciest mansion I've ever seen.

"Yeah, kind of. Most of the time other vampires outside friends and family just hear about parties - everyone knows everyone type thing - and we tend to be quite welcoming so if you show up, you're allowed in."

"This is a bit different though" Terror remarks. "This time, every vampire really was invited, as a celebration of no longer having to live in the shadows of humanity. You made that happen, Gavin, so you were invited too."

I blush. "Just trying to make sure people know the truth... too bad Curd didn't want to come."

"Yeah, Scaria is too hyper for more 'formal' events and Curd isn't a fan of parties with no pranks involved" Gavin chuckles. "Course that means my mum has to stay at home."

"Oh, she doesn't mind" Terror smiles. "Pale just wants to look after her family!"

We enter and begin chatting away, enjoying the vibes and the music, when a female vampire around my age rushes up. "THERE YOU ARE! I was worried you didn't make it! I really wanted to meet you!"

Grit comes over. "Sorry, Scarlett, Gavin has a girlfriend."

Before I can process what just happened, Scarlett puts her hands on her hips. "Hey, sweetheart, this is between me and him!"

"Why'd you lie anyway?" I add.

Grit grabs my arm. "Because Scarlett is vicious! She doesn't care-"

"THIS again." Scarlett rolls her eyes. "Grit found out I had been biting and turning people who were criminals. I'm talking pedo's, murderers and grave robbers, as well as other 'unsavoury' types, and he thinks I'm horrible."

I cock an eyebrow in curiosity. "Every been tracked down by the Vampire Hunter's Guild?"

Her eyes light up. "This is EXACTLY what I was trying to tell Grit! They caught me as I was saving a young girl, questioned me, and let me go!"

Grit grunts. "They wouldn't."

"Actually" I chime in, "they would. I did a lot of research on them. They only kill vampires if they find there wasn't sufficient reason for turning people. In fact, the guild has an official position with the police so they can take care of VAMPIRE criminals, and the police AGREE that vampires can be released with a warning!"

"Yeah... I got a call to go back in, being told I can't do it anymore... and I've respected that decision." Scarlett grins.

Grit tuts and walks away. She kisses me. "Thanks for that, cutie!"

I blush again. "That's... no problem..."

"Can I be honest? I could NEVER express this before because of obvious reasons, but... I've always wanted to have a human for a partner..."

"And you want that human to be me?" I ask.

"Only if you're willing. I can give you a formula which will alter your biology and allow you to live forever!"

"Wouldn't I basically be a vampire?" I joke.

Scarlett laughs. "Oh, you're funny! No, you'd still be human. You wouldn't crave blood, and, more importantly..." she puts her chin onto my shoulder, breathing deeply. "I can still feed on you!"

I get nervous, but before I can say or do anything, there's a loud noise. Everyone turns to see a man in a black outfit, a sack slung over his shoulder. He looks around, expression slowly turning into fear. "CRAP!" He attempts to jump back out the window.

Terror has already grasped his jumper. He tears himself out of it and makes a run for the front door, realising there are vampires there, too. He sees another window and goes to break it.

Scarlett grabs his arm and shoves him back onto the floor. "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" he begs.

Scarlett bends down. "You have three choices, upgraded from two. Firstly, I can turn you, making you one of us and giving you immortality. Secondly, I can make you my new pet and I can provide you with all the comforts you can ask for. Thirdly, you can wait in this building for the police to show up and take you to prison, where you'll be back among humans. I'm NOT patient, and I'm hungry. Make your choice, or I'll just make it FOR you."

The man scrambles for his phone, quickly calling a number. "HELP! I'm being threatened by a vampire! Just come to-"

As the man makes a desperate plea for help, Grit comes up behind me. "Still think she's innocent?"

I look at the side of her head that's facing me. Her eyes are sparkling with determination, her gaze is firm and piercing, her mouth hungry and eager.

I look back at Grit. "She's just dealing with a criminal. She's not in the wrong here. Also... I like her fire and spark."


This story is a part of my series, My Roommate is a Vampire. Please check it out!


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