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Crystal1501 t1_jae1qkq wrote

"So it's common for vampires to just send out mass invitations to parties?" I query as Grit, Terror and I are ushered into the largest, fanciest mansion I've ever seen.

"Yeah, kind of. Most of the time other vampires outside friends and family just hear about parties - everyone knows everyone type thing - and we tend to be quite welcoming so if you show up, you're allowed in."

"This is a bit different though" Terror remarks. "This time, every vampire really was invited, as a celebration of no longer having to live in the shadows of humanity. You made that happen, Gavin, so you were invited too."

I blush. "Just trying to make sure people know the truth... too bad Curd didn't want to come."

"Yeah, Scaria is too hyper for more 'formal' events and Curd isn't a fan of parties with no pranks involved" Gavin chuckles. "Course that means my mum has to stay at home."

"Oh, she doesn't mind" Terror smiles. "Pale just wants to look after her family!"

We enter and begin chatting away, enjoying the vibes and the music, when a female vampire around my age rushes up. "THERE YOU ARE! I was worried you didn't make it! I really wanted to meet you!"

Grit comes over. "Sorry, Scarlett, Gavin has a girlfriend."

Before I can process what just happened, Scarlett puts her hands on her hips. "Hey, sweetheart, this is between me and him!"

"Why'd you lie anyway?" I add.

Grit grabs my arm. "Because Scarlett is vicious! She doesn't care-"

"THIS again." Scarlett rolls her eyes. "Grit found out I had been biting and turning people who were criminals. I'm talking pedo's, murderers and grave robbers, as well as other 'unsavoury' types, and he thinks I'm horrible."

I cock an eyebrow in curiosity. "Every been tracked down by the Vampire Hunter's Guild?"

Her eyes light up. "This is EXACTLY what I was trying to tell Grit! They caught me as I was saving a young girl, questioned me, and let me go!"

Grit grunts. "They wouldn't."

"Actually" I chime in, "they would. I did a lot of research on them. They only kill vampires if they find there wasn't sufficient reason for turning people. In fact, the guild has an official position with the police so they can take care of VAMPIRE criminals, and the police AGREE that vampires can be released with a warning!"

"Yeah... I got a call to go back in, being told I can't do it anymore... and I've respected that decision." Scarlett grins.

Grit tuts and walks away. She kisses me. "Thanks for that, cutie!"

I blush again. "That's... no problem..."

"Can I be honest? I could NEVER express this before because of obvious reasons, but... I've always wanted to have a human for a partner..."

"And you want that human to be me?" I ask.

"Only if you're willing. I can give you a formula which will alter your biology and allow you to live forever!"

"Wouldn't I basically be a vampire?" I joke.

Scarlett laughs. "Oh, you're funny! No, you'd still be human. You wouldn't crave blood, and, more importantly..." she puts her chin onto my shoulder, breathing deeply. "I can still feed on you!"

I get nervous, but before I can say or do anything, there's a loud noise. Everyone turns to see a man in a black outfit, a sack slung over his shoulder. He looks around, expression slowly turning into fear. "CRAP!" He attempts to jump back out the window.

Terror has already grasped his jumper. He tears himself out of it and makes a run for the front door, realising there are vampires there, too. He sees another window and goes to break it.

Scarlett grabs his arm and shoves him back onto the floor. "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" he begs.

Scarlett bends down. "You have three choices, upgraded from two. Firstly, I can turn you, making you one of us and giving you immortality. Secondly, I can make you my new pet and I can provide you with all the comforts you can ask for. Thirdly, you can wait in this building for the police to show up and take you to prison, where you'll be back among humans. I'm NOT patient, and I'm hungry. Make your choice, or I'll just make it FOR you."

The man scrambles for his phone, quickly calling a number. "HELP! I'm being threatened by a vampire! Just come to-"

As the man makes a desperate plea for help, Grit comes up behind me. "Still think she's innocent?"

I look at the side of her head that's facing me. Her eyes are sparkling with determination, her gaze is firm and piercing, her mouth hungry and eager.

I look back at Grit. "She's just dealing with a criminal. She's not in the wrong here. Also... I like her fire and spark."


This story is a part of my series, My Roommate is a Vampire. Please check it out!