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archtech88 t1_j7x6d4k wrote

"Why would a NECRON help protect the universe?"

"Because I live here too!"

Honestly I'd not be surprised if a chaos demon or two was working with them, since they Also live in the universe (they live in a WEIRD part, but DO they live in it)


dhaerlkl t1_j7ylh3i wrote

"Why d'ya wanna protect the galaxy so bad? What has it ever done for you?"

"I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!"


SirPiecemaker t1_j7ylp2d wrote

I was thinking about it some more and I would absolutely have some Chaos people too. Maybe a Thousand Suns in research. T'au in Engineering. Harlequin strike team. Tyranid garbage disposal.


archtech88 t1_j7zlzst wrote

I feel like this kind of cross-species organization exists because each species independently came up with an SCP Foundation and when two SCP Foundations meet they have enough sense of "game recognizes game" that they just merge because as far as they're both concerned, there are bigger fish to fry.

It probably helps that they're literally older than the imperium and are quite possibly the ONLY organization in the imperium capable of staying true to their goals


RivCA t1_j7zykw3 wrote

Well, maybe not Tyranids. By the lore, it's the hive queens that cause the tyranid to make them fight beyond DESTROY ALL LIFE. They are a real plague upon the galaxy. An ork snotling with squigs to act as the local garbage dump? That makes a little more sense. Orks are a little better at seeing sense.