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The-Name-is-my-Name t1_j8oob1g wrote

I went through your posts to see what they were talking about, and…


I’m sorry to say this, but… your grammar is hideous. As in, You’re punctuating at weird Places, with little to no attempt at formatting.

Punctuation, please!


Whoareyoupeople54454 t1_j8oonfd wrote

I don’t understand I just made this to get storys from some people and I’m getting hate Great real motivating


The-Name-is-my-Name t1_j8otnre wrote

Sir, this is the Internet.

We have everything here, but our supply of constructive criticism is often scarce. I’m sorry that we’re bad at it, but we try (sometimes. Admittedly, this was not one of those times. Sorry about that).

As for the commenter, ignore him. I had to scroll through your posts to try to figure out what he was talking about, only to realize that you aren’t spamming posts about this or something, but rather, he disliked the post idea overall. It’s a good post (idea), and he’s just being mean.

And now, in classic Internet insult/criticism fashion:

…Would you like to learn about a little thing that looks like the dot in letter i?

It’s called a period.

Use it whenever you end a sentence Otherwise people will start the next sentence without realizing that the first one ended They have to waste brain cell power when they do this They don’t like that That’s why it’s wise to use them You understand

It’s okay to end a paragraph without having a period at the end. However, in the middle of a paragraph it’s far too confusing. That’s why people get upset and downvote you.