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Realistic_Thought_15 t1_jchndlz wrote

The others always question what goes on in my head. But to be fair, the more they try to understand humans, the more they don’t.

So while Kristin and I have fun over some Jaeger, the others tended to their usual studies or duties. Time passes and we both head to our dorms to crash when the ship lands on the planet we were supposed to explore. The label we had for it was… was… D? 41? Yeah, D-42.

So as I pulled Krist into the prep room, I had grabbed the kit to test whether the atmosphere was safe enough for our suits or our biology. As that was analyzing, I sat on the bench with Krist on my lap blanked away.

Trying to not hurl, I had decided to peak at the camera system we had set outside the ship to see the surrounding area. Seeing nothing but a field of greenery and a pond of blue, one could’ve easily mistake this for Earth.

Ding The system finished analyzing the atmosphere, so checking the scans…96% match to Earth’s atmosphere… wat? Making sure that it wasn’t a joke, I cross checked the make up of both. Yup, outside of the CO2 difference, the place was identical to Earth.

Meaning, either we found another Earth like ours or the planet was just similar. Looking back at the cameras, I rewound them to the moment we were nearing the planet. And yet again, it was a blue and green ball. I woke Krist and told her to check out what I found. They hazily looked at the charts and was amused, looking at me with a look.

Knowing what they would like to do, I told them later. We still need to see what wildlife roamed the land. The others filed in after checking on the ship’s system. Informing them of what I learned of the planet, I advised of waiting for Krist to sober up some so we can safely traverse the land.

Moments passed as we continued our preparations, and by we I mean the others that had to prepare their suits to protect themselves from the environment. The star in this planetary system worked like our Sol, outside of being stronger. However, that also means that the atmosphere of this planet was also stronger.

When Krist finally was able to function, we departed. One team set up camp to analyze the soil, water, and biomass by the ship; while the other picks a direction and explore for any intelligent life. I was part of the exploration team and Krist was on the research team.

Traversing the land over hills and rivers, the land seemed close to that of plains. I wouldn’t be surprised if we-, mid thought we crossed over a hill and found ourselves some buffaloes. The heard had grazed the area being roughly the size of moose. If the wildlife was this big, I wondered how the apex predators would be. Lying low, I had the team double back to report the finding. I had them do this, because I also say encampments. If this was similar to Earth, they must be a tribe that follows the bison. So they would be aggressive to any that would cause harm to them or the wildlife.

And I was caught… yup. My carefulness was my undoing. Now being tied up to a pole, they had talked amongst themselves, likely about what to do with me. Looking to be 7” and above, they seemed to work with women being respected while men were treated like pets. While the men provided the strength and women provided wisdom. Looking about, there were always the exceptions among them.

With the elders seemingly curious about who I was, they had me let go to show them why I was there. Seeming to understand bodily languages, I had buzzed my brain to how I can tell them without them mistaking any of it. Seeing my frustration, they had then held onto my arm and kindly shook their heads. The elder had then handed me my bald back, wondering how I could’ve gotten such an item. I looked around to see a clean set of bones and asked them for permission, of which they obliged, and sharpened it to mimic my blade. They were in awe at its sharpness and durability. I taught them the basics of how I had done so, and let them grow on their own.

In a sudden, a group of animals of the big cats family had entered the place. The guards then had used their newly made tools, to some effect while others were quick on picking up how to efficiently wield them. Looking around, the elder chief had pushed me forward and yelled at me. Reluctantly, I had charged forward to aid those that needed the help.


Looking at Sam socializing with the natives, I had held back on rescuing him. Because of his carefulness, he had only focused on his front not realizing the return group on his six. But with his wits, he was able to safely incorporate himself with them. The others were absolutely baffled at how Sam could pull such a thing off with limited communications, but that’s just the thing with humans, and I guess our galactic twin, we don’t need words to properly socialize. Just the vibe of one another and an understanding of how one side works.


donutguy640 t1_jdsfe53 wrote

Kind of wondering if the spelling errors are yours or the character's.

Also wondering if you'd admit to it if they were yours :P