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Shalidar13 t1_jdah4fx wrote

The soul gem glistened in the steady light of my laboratory. It hovered between a pair of prongs, one over the top, the other below. As I watched a faint bolt of energy lashed out, collected by the uppermost prong. I often fancied that if I listened I could hear its inhabitants begging for release.

"Vasun, are you in here?"

I turned towards the door, waving a hand. The bones of my hand gave a subtle rattle, as the stone door slowly swung open. Behind it I saw the lithe form of Bazzix, the dark elf who had decided to become my assistant.

"What can I do for you?"

He stepped in, clutching a bundle of scrolls in his arms. I clicked, lifting them up to relieve him of his burden.

"I finished translating those old scrolls for you. Most seem to be merely day to day records, but the one with the blue ribbon seems to be an ancient spell."

I nodded, unfurling them. A quick glance showed me that they looked complete, but I wouldn't be sure until I closely examined them. With a gesture they floated to one of my workbenches, with the spell separated out. As I moved them, I noticed his eyes focusing on the black gem behind me.

"I've been wanting to ask you, what is that?"

I smiled. We had an agreement, that after he completed a task, I would answer one question. Of course it wasn't that I didn't answer any other time, but these were always ones that I would be as informative as possible on.

"Ah. That, that is a soul gem. A very rare, not to mention expensive, item in this world. They are more common in the Torturous Layers, where recently departed souls are examined. Thise that end up in them are condemned to serve as an eternal battery."

He looked closer at it, seeing the same bolts I did.

"So... is it full?"

I gave a laugh.

"Oh no. It still has plenty of room. I use it for those who betray me, which hasn't happened in a long time. It is the ultimate prison for those I hate, forced to serve. In fact, most are about... oooh four hundred years old."

Bazzix looked sharply at me, eyes filled with his glorious curiosity.

"Four hundred years? That's a long time to hate someone. Who was it?"

If I had any face at all it would have dropped into a frown. Even so, he shifted uncomfortably at my change in mood, good humour falling away.

"That would be the group that told me to become this, then stabbed me in the back after the threat was eliminated. I lost everything because of them. My home, my family, my friends, my life. All gone because of them. I am forever damned, it is only fitting they serve me before my time is up."

I snapped my fingers again, making it disappear from sight. Bazzix twitched, and I crossed my arms.

"That is all I will say on the matter. Now, let's see just what this spell is meant to do."