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Nellthe t1_jcyc9p3 wrote

“This is where we gather for the morning coffee and croissants,” The Liberator said showing us the cafeteria of the superhero headquarters.

I was still trying to get used to his size and appearance. We have all seen him thousands of times on tv and in various videos, but once he stands this close to him, it’s truly uncanny.

I myself was higher than most people but I barely came to his chest, and he was almost three times as wide as me even though I was in my peek, training every day.

His size was one thing, what made me feel uneasy was his carapace that had grown as armor around most of his body. Some of it was hidden behind his suit, some incorporated, and some fully visible like that big piece around his neck and ears.

“This is nice,” I said looking over at my team, who was cringing at the site of the giant. “You sure have a nice interior decorator, can we get a number?” I asked jokingly.

Liberator let out a loud thunderous laugh, don’t know why it wasn’t that funny, but he laughed a lot. “Lady Zap had done all of our decorating, doubt she is for hire.” He said and continued to walk. “Let me show you our meeting room.”

This was the further from our plan we could get, we were in the middle of the superhero quarters with some of the stolen things still with us, and the Liberator himself, one of the strongest superpowered people alive was giving us a tour.

“Can we come back for a full tour some other day?” I asked trying not to sound disrepsctull. “We appreciate it deeply but this was our first superhero stint and all, we feel truly tired,” I said and all of my friends nodded in agreement.

“Ohh, silly me,” Liberator said. “I remember my first time, my heart was pounding after the mission, I couldn’t wait to get home and just relax.” He stopped and turned towards us. “Let’s go back to the cafeteria you can sit there and relax, but you can’t go before Lady Zap comes, she wants to meet you and thank you in person.”

“When will she arrive?” I asked.

“She will be here in 30 minutes tops,” He said and pointed back towards the cafeteria and we had no other choice but to go.

We sat down and ordered some coffee and on Liberator’s suggestion, we got some donuts and croissants. So here we were sitting in the most secure building in the world, surrounded by dozens of superheroes and their sidekicks and we had just robbed the most secured vault in the city a few hours ago, I had some of the items hidden in the secret compartments of my suit.

How did we get here when we had a perfect plan? Well, those idiots that call themself the Shadow Sidicate had the same idea as we did, to rob the Ambiens Vault, the most secure place to store your valuables on the planet.

They as we did, knew that most of the heroes would be away on this day due to the impending crisis in Asia. We made a distraction on the other side of the city to give the rest of the heroes something to do as we silently broke into the vault, they didn’t think that far.

We were almost done with everything in under fifteen minutes, no one would have noticed that the vault was broken until they’d done the routing check in the morning, have those morons not shown.

They surprised us but we gave them chance to leave without a fight, to choose something different to rob, we even offered part of the loot to them, but they wanted it all, greedy bastards.

None of us react well to the threats so we kicked their asses right away. We dismantled them quickly and easily, but unfortunately, our fighting signed the alarms and the heroes were there as we tried to leave.

Luckily for us, they thought we were a new group of heroes, those showed up almost every day these days, so we played along and well our plan of getting not revealing our powers for a better part of a decade and getting rich out if it failed miserably. We were sitting silently sipping our coffee and eating some of the best donuts as we await Lady Zap to arrive and probably figure everything out on the spot.

Like the story? Check out my sub r/LukasWrites for more!


Darkened_Auras t1_jcyx1v1 wrote

I like how it's the shadow Sidicate instead of Sindicate. I assume that's a typo but honestly, given that you're already calling them idiots, keep it. They screwed up their own name


RoboChrist t1_jczlo46 wrote

Syndicate, unless Sindicate is a portmanteau of Sin and syndicate.


Darkened_Auras t1_jczlu7b wrote

... Wow I'm more sleep deprived than I realized. I was so focused on the n that I missed the other part. Thank you for calling me on my dumbassery