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TraditionalPickle146 t1_jby9mke wrote

“Who are you,” I said, still trying to adjust to being awake. “Just let me in, I’ve got a guy with me, name’s John, does that ring a bell?” John? Could it be John Livingston? My best friend that I’ve known since elementary school. “John? Are you out there?” “He’s asleep, passed out drunk from last night, please just let us in, my arms are getting tired.” Maybe I wasn’t thinking clearly, I did just wake up. But for some reason I decided to open the door without another thought.

“Boy, this is some nice place you got here. Anyways where do you want me to put him?” “Uhh, just there on the couch I guess, I’m sorry, why do you have my friend John passed out drunk in your arms, and why did you bring him to me?”

As I waited on a response I took a moment to note a few things about this guy, he was tall, like extremely tall, probably 6,10 at least. I could tell because I myself am 6,4 and not many can tower over me like he did. Another thing I noticed was how skinny he was, almost like he hadn’t eaten in days. Other then that and his height, everything else seemed normal, black hair, white teeth, and overall looked pretty well put together. He was quite pale though.

“Well long story short, last night I had a few friends and family member over to celebrate my birthday. And we were having a good time, until we heard a loud pounding at the door. It was your friend John. As soon as we let him in, we could tell he had been frightened, he was pale and out of breath. When we finally calmed him down he told us that he went up to the old abandoned house down the road. He said he had been bored and wanted something fun and exciting to do, so why not go exploring. He then told us a long story about how there was a creepy old guy who had been living in the house, he got scared, ran to our house, blah blah blah. We got tired of listening to him and I didn’t want my special day to be ruined so we just kinda forced him to get drunk, and soon enough he forget the whole thing.”

“Ok, he did talk to me earlier this week about exploring the old abandoned house, but I didn’t think he was serious.”

“Apparently so, and before you ask, I knew to bring him here because while he was drunk he started talking about you. And where you lived and that he was gonna come see you.” This was all a lot to take in, as it had still only been less than an hour ago since I woke up, but I think I was finally starting to accept this. But before I thanked the man and ushered him out, I came to a sudden realization. John doesn’t drink, and it isn’t just some personal preference, he is ALLERGIC TO ALCOHOL! I immediately knew something was off about this guy. Knowing something was wrong, I knew I had to act fast.

“Hey would you mind going into my bedroom in the back and grabbing a clean set of clothes, so I can give them to John when he makes,” I said, hoping to buy some time.

Luckily, he agreed and left, as soon as he did I checked for a pulse. Sure enough, to my dismay, there wasn’t one.

John is dead.

I don’t know if it was the adrenaline or what but I didn’t tear up or feel sad, because I knew this wasn’t over.

Leaving John to go find that guy that brung him in, I noticed something g on john’s neck, a bite mark?

There were two indents into his neck, almost like those of a dogs long canines, or fangs.

Running into the bedroom to find the guy, I slipped. My heart had been practically pounding out of my chest and I couldn’t think straight. I tried to get up, but I was grabbed by that same guy who brung John to me. Forcing himself on me, I couldn’t move, he was so skinny, how could he be this strong??

Laying on the ground, helpless, I watched as he opened his mouth wide, revealing his massive fangs.

The feeling of his cold teeth on my neck made me sick. I couldn’t move. The sound of his teeth sliding into my veins was horrifying.

I must have passed out from the adrenaline, because I’ve now just woken up, still lying on the door here in my bedroom. Blood gushing out of neck, from the puncture his teeth left. I know I’m going to die. He’s nowhere to be seen, obviously left to escape the crime scene. I can’t muster up enough energy to grab my phone to call 911. I can’t do anything.


cheltsie t1_jc0qcb0 wrote

This would be a good start to a book or series, really. A group of friends. A dare. An attempt to tell the police about what happened. An abandoned house and disbelief. And... boom! A ragtag group of teen detectives figuring out about vampires.

Just needs the old, cantakerous people who know the truth but can't or won't do anything about it.


TraditionalPickle146 t1_jc0qn40 wrote

I appreciate, the goal I had in mind was to kind of give an exposition type of story, giving us an introduction to the vampires and the abandoned house, maybe the main character, if it’s to be decided that she lives through this.


Prosjekttuba t1_jc2n2g8 wrote

As Mark opened the door he started to speak, his mind still a bit blurry from the party "Hello, the party is just". He stopped and took in the sight before him. A short, young woman whom clearly came from some part of Asia stood there with Clark in her arms. She gave him a courtesy smile and said in a perfect British accent "Good morning. I believe I got your friend here". Mark had to blink a few more times before reality suddenly seemed to shift back into gear for him.

Mark shook his head and held the door open "Uhm, yes. He is mine. Please, come in". The young woman nodded and stepped. She held Clark like a princess as she kicked her shoes off and looked around "Got a chair or couch I can drop him in? He had a lot to drink and passed out". Mark pointed to the living room and the young woman smiled again.

Although Vampires had been a thing out in the open for a few years now Mark had never seen one with his own eyes. Now here was a woman who barely stood 1.5 meters above the ground and who had carried his nearly 2 meter tall friend like he was a child. As Mark entered the living room and saw the woman place Clark down on the chair and asked "so have you been living here long?". The young woman turned around and smiled while she shrugged "is 3 years a long time?". Mark gave her a stunned look and the woman giggle before gesturing to the chair and couch.

Once both had sat down the young woman explain "I am Jessica by the way. I tried finding a home in this town 4 years ago when vampires came out, but due to everyone being afraid and such the dump down the street is the only place I got. I still had to pay for it, and contractors won't go near it because a vampire lives there". Jessica sighed and leaned back in the chair, meanwhile Mark still looked at her with a bit of shock in his eyes.

Jessica flicked the party hat on her head slightly and continued "Your friend was cool with me being a vampire and we talked for hours though. It's been ages since I were at a party, it's a shame this party is dying down and the sun is coming up". Suddenly Jessica sat up and cursed "shit fuck. The sun. I forgot. I, uhm. Can I stay here during the day? I promise I won't do anything. I can sleep in the basement or something".

Mark's mouth finally formed a smile as he saw that Jessica, although being an undead was still just as human as everyone else. He smiled and nodded before he said "You can stay. Just no biting and if you don't want to sleep yet. I can make some coffee and we can play Mario cart". At this Jessica's eyes lit up and she looked ecstatic as she said "aww hell yeah".


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