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Pope-Francisco t1_je8fi0k wrote

In the empire of Uvort, magic is used for a variety of purposes. Art, rituals, warfare, & medicine. Magic itself is restricted for the Nobels & religious servants, as they are considered the only ones “worthy” enough to wield it.

In Uvort, there are several orphanages who take in babies & teach the children to perform rituals & make potions, strictly meant to aid the medical needs of nobles. They wouldn’t object, they were taught o worship Nobles as highly as their gods. It was their duty to serve a Noble, even if it costed their own life. If you did not follow these instructions, you were not a Blue Robe Mage.

In one orphanage, there was a girl named Maggie Day, her last name comes from the South Day Church. She was a very dedicated young girl. She loved the feeling of helping out the nobles & using magic. But she also fell behind her peers, only being able to remember a fraction of the spells, earning teasing from her siblings & hard schooling from her teachers. At some point, a Nobel, Sir Draco, came to Sour Day when Maggie was 15. He went around the church to pick out his personal Blue Robe Mages. As he walked around, he noticed Maggie’s radiating dedication despite her low skill level, he knew he needed her.

Later on, Maggie & couple of her sisters were chosen to aid Sir Draco & his family. Maggie was excited to work for Sir Draco, driving her to work hard & please her new master. In the end, Maggie’s life was simple & pleasant from them on, but there was something bugging her. She often found it strange how the servants never got the same got any treatments. They worked just as hard if not harder then the mages, even helping the mages out, yet we’re never allowed to be healed by magic. If the mages are allowed to do this onto themselves & other mages, why can’t the servants be given that privilege? This puzzled Maggie.

One day, a servant skinned their leg & was venerable to infection. Despite this, they were not given treatment. It was only when Maggie stepped up & went to help the servant. She treated the servants wounds & prevented an infection. The servant was extremely grateful, but Sir Draco didn’t show the same attitude. He talked with Maggie & told her to never to do it again. She asked him why, he responded saying servants weren’t worthy, gods & the earths gifts shouldn’t be wasted upon trash. Maggie objected saying they weren’t trash, but Draco stood firm & demanded she never do it again with a thunderous roar. She crumpled & went with his demands.

Later on, Maggie would try to convince herself what she did was wrong, but seeing how grateful the servants were showed how good of a deed it was. She couldn’t hold it in & decided to secretly help out the servants. Unlike normal rituals requiring days of prep & expensive ingredients, Maggie would settle for cheap substitutes & do quick rituals. Over time, she managed to improve these rituals & make them far quicker, taking only a minute to execute with 2 minutes of prep. It was because of this that she managed to get away with treating the servants. But, she would eventually be found out, leading to her being punished by whips & casted into Thunder Tomb prison, where she would be reformed to serve only the nobles. But Maggie wouldn’t budge, despite the torture she believed what she did was right. She believed the servants deserved as much respect as nobles.

At some point, a coup was formed against the Uvort empire. The rebels leading the coup aimed for Thunder Tomb & freed prisoners who were captured for reveling against authority, including Maggie. Maggie’s wounds were treated by the rebels, but she after gaining enough strength she treated herself. Soon after this, she was asked to join the rebels. At first hated the idea of fighting against nobles, but remembered how horrible they treat servants, especially the people they imprisoned. She agreed to join, as long as they didn’t stoop down to barbarians. It was then that Maggie Day became the rebels first Blue Robe Mage. She helped to treat wounds of the injured & teach others how to use magic. She also learned how to improvise with the recourses she had, just as she did with Sir Draco’s servants. Eventually, she managed to make quick & cheap, yet effective rituals to heal soldiers & people. And, it was easy to learn, a far greater quantity of people easily could learn these rituals with enough practice, plus there were only a few to memorize, leading to quick mastery with only one thing to focus on. Maggie was proof of this, she was the fastest healer & her results were extremely effective despite the speed of the ritual. These healers & Maggie far outclassed the traditional Blue Robe Mages on the empires side who were still struggling to shorten their medical rituals & retain similar effectiveness, along with having to spend lots of money on expensive ingredients.

Eventually, the rebels won. A new partial Democratic Republic government was formed by the rebels, leading to greater civil rights to servants. And, Maggie Day was renowned as the Blue Saint, known for her innovation in medical rituals & god like skills. Maggie Day founded the Blue Day church, a church that would teach anyone of any social class how to perform medical rituals & assists all they could support. Maggie Day felt proud of herself, knowing she made a great impact & proved a great help to others. Eventually, she died at the age of 56, a pretty good life span during her time. She was greatly remembered for her warm personality, peaceful attitude, & skills. She even has a holiday named after her called MaggusDayus, a holiday where one helps out their community & celebrate with magic fire works.


Pope-Francisco t1_je8flvm wrote

Also, lots of high level Blue Robes made fun of her cheap rituals during the civil war/rebellion, but were slapped right back in the face after witnessing her results.