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C00lerking t1_jdjiqm5 wrote

I freaking love this idea.

The HP Scene:

Gandolf to the Dursleys: Is he secret, is he safe? Dursley: yes, we keep him under the stairs.

Gandolf: good. But can you bury him more deeply?

Dursley: well I assumed you were here to take him off to Pigpimple magician world.

Gandolf: bring him to hogwarts? The Horcrux? Are you insane? I might as well march the ring right off to Saruman. No, actually, if we can just kill him here, that may simplify many things.

The LOTR Scene:

Frodo to Dumbledor: the armies of Mordor are coming and Sauron is on the loose. The ring wraiths will be here any day. What will we do Dumbledoor? Should we assemble a bunch of heroes?

Dumbledor: Mudbloods? No need. I’m a real wizard with actual magic. We’re going to take the flue network to Mordor and conjure a patronis right up old Sauron’s butt.


mrmoe198 t1_jdl2pek wrote

Hilarious, I love it! But are you purposefully misspelling both Gandalf and Dumbledore?


C00lerking t1_jdl9vn4 wrote

Nope, I honestly don’t care enough to look them up 🤪


mrmoe198 t1_jdnaihs wrote

Well, you apparently don’t care enough to just look upwards either because the prompt itself has their names in it 🤣


C00lerking t1_jdxflzw wrote

All that scrolling hurts my thumbs.


mrmoe198 t1_jdyi8oz wrote

I think that sometimes it would be useful in life to have “I don’t give a fuck” energy. It’s exhausting being so serious all the time. I wish I could change that about my brain.