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JayJayGolden t1_je1n0av wrote

I walked into a formless room that seemed to have nothing but a desk in it- Or atleast, a desk was the only recognisable shape. It was hard to tell if the occupant was just messy, or this was just the nature of this place. Behind the desk sat a being, huge and incomprehensible- It didnt really have a color, but if you asked me I wouldve said "Red.". But it was more of an..Energy? Aura? Than a color. I coughed lightly before speaking up, causing the being to turn around and take a deep, threatening, breath, clearly about to make some sort of grand speech- Which I interrupted. I didnt have time for theatrics.

"Id just like to spend a day with someone special."

The hulking, hairy, ambiguous creature infront of me immediately lost its composure. It wore what I could only guess was a baffled expression on its wrinkly, formless, ugly, face. Atleast, I assumed it was its' face. I sure hope it was.

"..What? A day? One day? No lifetime? No love? No wealth beyond comprehension? No wishes for happiness? Not even asking to solve world hunger? You just want to spend the day with...Someone? Is this someone just anyone?" It said with a voice that sounded like millions of people, immitating the buzzing of flies. Yet somehow, I understood it.

I shrugged at it.

"No- Not just anyone- Ah, you know what, nevermind, this is awkward- It was silly of me to come here. I should probably just go back ho-" I said as I turned to walk away, before I felt a...Hand? You know what, lets just say it was a hand. I dont want to think about it too much. Yeah..A hand, on my shoulder. I turned back around to look and the whole room had transformed. It had become a cozy study with a fireplace, and two chairs near it, aswell as a little coffee table with a teapot and two cups. In one of the chairs sat a human that was both handsome and beautiful, a perfect picture of flawless androgyny. They then gestured to the other chair and cupped one of the teacups in two hands to take a sip before speaking.

"No, no, sit down, dear, tell me all about them. This sounds like an exquisite punishment."

I smiled and quickly stepped over to the chair, sitting down and taking the other cup to take a sip- Simple earl grey. I dont know what I expected. Something about the simplicity was very comforting though. In the end, despite what many thought, this being loved humanity, and seemingly sometimes had a taste for the simpler things.

And then I talked, and talked, for hours, about him. How I barely knew him, yet felt like ive always known him. How i dont know his name. How much we have in common. All his little quirks. The being infront of me nodded and laughed along with me, but never seemed to judge. "....And, well, I told myself i'd move mountains. So, here I am, moving mountains. Plus, I was thinking, you know, if this day goes bad, you can make it repeat for eternity..And if it goes well, you would give me more days, until I get hurt, right?" I said with a smirk, knowing full well I was playing with fire.

"I think I would do the same, dear, if I were in your shoes. Go ahead, just step through the door you came in through and you'll find yourself where your heart sends you- I hope thats where you think it should lead you."

Its the next morning now. He was angry and confused at me for a bit about showing up completely unannounced, and doing so in the late evening of all times. And showing up in shorts and a t shirt when I should know its a low temperature climate. I told him I hitch hiked. He made me sleep on the floor, then the couch, and now Im essentially trapped in bed. I think I just got another day added to my 'punishment'.