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felipebsr t1_je34pbc wrote

Travis was a mischievous soul who loved to cause trouble, even in hell. So when the devil gave him the power to choose his own fate, he knew exactly what he wanted.

"Give me the power to make the politicians govern us here, in any way they want," Travis said, a wicked grin on his face.

The devil was taken aback by this request. He had never encountered someone who wanted to willingly subject themselves to the politicians' torments, but he was intrigued by Travis's audacity.

And so, Travis got his wish. He was placed under the governance of corrupt politicians who reveled in their power and delighted in making their citizens suffer.

As Travis sat back and watched the politicians govern ruthlessly, he couldn't help but feel satisfied. He relished in the chaos and destruction they caused, feeling like he was the puppet master pulling the strings.
But little did Travis know the politicians' ambition had no end. Their lust for power and control had blinded them to the consequences, and soon their reign of terror turned into an outright disaster.
Their reckless decisions caused a chain reaction that led to the collapse of the entire infrastructure of hell. Fires raged out of control, the ground shook with tremors, and even the devil himself was caught off guard by the scale of the destruction.
Travis was stunned as he watched everything around him crumble. The politicians he had empowered were now causing even more misery and suffering, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.
As the chaos continued to escalate, Travis realized that he had made a grave mistake. The devil looked upon the wreckage of his domain and saw that even he was no match for the destruction caused by the politicians' greed and ambition. Travis realized too late that he played with fire by trusting his own fate in politicians.